- ringgit
- сущ. ринггит (национальная валюта Малайзии;
равен 100 сенам) ринггит (денежная единица Малайзии)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Ringgit — Staat: Malaysia Unterteilung: 100 Sen ISO 4217 Code: MYR Abkürzung: RM, $ … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ringgit — (Malay for jagged ) mostly refers to the Malaysian ringgit, which is the local currency in Malaysia, but it can also refer to the Brunei dollar in the Malay language. The word ringgit was originally used to refer to the serrated edges of Spanish… … Wikipedia
ringgit — RÍNGGIT s.m. Unitate a sistemului monetar din Malaiezia; dolar. [pr.: rínghit] (din malaiez. ringgit = dinţat, zimţat; cf. engl. ringgit) [MW, AHDEL] Trimis de tavi, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Neoficial … Dicționar Român
ringgit — ● ringgit nom masculin Unité monétaire principale de la Malaisie. ● ringgit (synonymes) nom masculin Unité monétaire principale de la Malaisie. Synonymes : dollar de Malaisie … Encyclopédie Universelle
ringgit — [riŋ′git] n. pl. ringgit [Malay, lit., jagged: from the serrated edge of the original coins] the basic monetary unit of Malaysia: see the table of monetary units in the Reference Supplement … English World dictionary
Ringgit — Pour le volcan d Indonésie également appelé « Ringgit », voir Raung. Pour la monnaie de Brunei Darussalam également appelée « Ringgit », voir Dollar de Brunei … Wikipédia en Français
ringgit — /ring git/, n. a paper money, cupronickel coin, and monetary unit of Malaysia, equal to 100 sen. Also called dollar. [1965 70; < Malay ringit lit., serrated, milled] * * * ▪ Malaysian currency monetary unit of Malaysia. The ringgit, also known… … Universalium
ringgit — noun (plural ringgit or ringgits) Etymology: Malay, literally, serration, coin with milled edge Date: 1967 see money table … New Collegiate Dictionary
Ringgit — Rịng|git 〈m.; , 〉 malaysische Währungseinheit [malai.] * * * Rịnggit der, / , Abkürzung RM, beziehungsweise $, Währungseinheit von Malaysia, 1 Ringgit = 100 Sen (c) … Universal-Lexikon
ringgit — rìng·git s.m.inv. TS monet. unità monetaria della Malaysia {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XX. ETIMO: mal. ringgit, antica moneta del valore di due rupie e mezzo … Dizionario italiano
ringgit — {{#}}{{LM R44977}}{{〓}} {{[}}ringgit{{]}} {{◆}}(pl. ringgits){{◇}} {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} Unidad monetaria malasia … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos