Смотреть что такое "ringbarking" в других словарях:
ringbarking — v. cut a ring of bark from a tree, girdle … English contemporary dictionary
Rabbits in Australia — In Australia, rabbits are the most serious mammalian pests, an invasive species whose destruction of habitats is responsible for the extinction or major decline of many native animals such as the Western Quoll. Annually, European rabbits cause… … Wikipedia
Savanna — A savanna or savannah is a tropical or subtropical grassland or woodland ecosystem. [ [http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/242157/grass savanna grass savanna] , Britannica Online Encyclopedia] Savannas are characterised by the trees being… … Wikipedia
Sambar (deer) — Sambar Conservation status Vulnerable (IUCN 3.1) … Wikipedia
Girdling — Girdling, also called ring barking or ring barking, is the process of completely removing a strip of bark (consisting of Secondary Phloem tissue, cork cambium, and cork) around a tree s outer circumference, causing its death. Girdling occurs by… … Wikipedia
ringbark — /ˈrɪŋbak / (say ringbahk) verb (t) 1. to cut away the bark in a ring around (a tree trunk or branch), in order to kill the tree or the affected part. –noun 2. a mark on a tree made by ringbarking. Also, bark. {ring1 + bark2} –ringbarker, noun… …