ring frequency

ring frequency

1. частота на кольцах (асинхронного двигателя)
2. частота "звона"

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "ring frequency" в других словарях:

  • Ring modulation — is a signal processing effect in electronics, related to amplitude modulation or frequency mixing, performed by multiplying two signals, where one is typically a sine wave or another simple waveform. It is referred to as ring modulation because… …   Wikipedia

  • Ring oscillator — A ring oscillator is a device composed of an odd number of NOT gates whose output oscillates between two voltage levels, representing true and false . The NOT gates, or inverters, are attached in a chain; the output of the last inverter is fed… …   Wikipedia

  • Ring circuit — In electricity supply, a ring final circuit or ring circuit (informally also ring main or just ring) is an electrical wiring technique developed and primarily used in the United Kingdom that provides two independent conductors for live, neutral… …   Wikipedia

  • Ring laser gyroscope — For a somewhat similar system that uses fibre optic cables, see fibre optic gyroscope. A ring laser gyroscope (RLG) consists of a ring laser having two counter propagating modes over the same path in order to detect rotation. It operates on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Frequency comb — A frequency comb is the graphic representation of the spectrum of a mode locked laser. An octave spanning comb can be used for mapping radio frequencies into the optical frequency range or it can be used to steer a piezoelectric mirror within a… …   Wikipedia

  • Frequency mixer — This article is about non linear mixing operating in the frequency domain. For other types of mixers, see electronic mixer. Frequency Mixer Symbol. In electronics a mixer or frequency mixer is a nonlinear electrical circuit that creates new… …   Wikipedia

  • Frequency (Musikfestival) — Das Frequency Festival (auch Frequency oder FM4 Frequency Festival genannt) ist ein jährlich stattfindendes, österreichisches Musikfestival. Es fand 2001 in Wien und von 2002 bis 2008 am Salzburgring statt, und wird seit 2009 am Gelände des VAZ… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Frequency Festival — Das Frequency Festival (auch Frequency oder FM4 Frequency Festival genannt) ist ein jährlich stattfindendes, österreichisches Musikfestival, das – außer im ersten Jahr, 2001 – am Salzburgring stattfand. Seit 2009 findet es am Gelände des VAZ St.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ring laser gyro — A highly accurate way to measure change in an angular position or at an angular rate without the use of any mechanically spinning wheel. The ringed laser gyro principle is based on the small frequency difference produced between two laser beams… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Toroidal ring model — The toroidal ring model, known originally as the Parson magneton or magnetic electron, is also known as the plasmoid ring, vortex ring, or helicon ring. This physical model treated electrons and protons as elementary particles, and was first… …   Wikipedia

  • Douglas H. Ring — (March 28, 1907 in Montana – September 8, 2000 in Red Bank, New Jersey) was one of the Bell Labs engineers that invented the cell phone. The history of cellular phone technology began on December 11, 1947 with an internal memo written by Douglas… …   Wikipedia

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