rigid design
Смотреть что такое "rigid design" в других словарях:
Rigid Airship Design — B.V. was a company founded in the Netherlands in 1998 with the aim of building a modern rigid airship. In 1996, Scottish intellectual and airship expert Ian Alexander initiated a project in the Netherlands in co operation with the Technical… … Wikipedia
Design of a Decade 1986/1996 — Greatest hits album by Janet Jackson Released October 10, 1995 … Wikipedia
Rigid airship — A rigid airship was a type of airship in which the envelope retained its shape by the use of an internal structural framework rather than by being forced into shape by the pressure of the lifting gas within the envelope as used in blimps and semi … Wikipedia
Rigid needle adapter — The concept of the Rigid Needle Adapter makes possible a contacting of finest structures on printed and assembled circuit carriers and also direct contacting in fine pole connectors. For this concept one need every time a raster head and a rigid… … Wikipedia
Rigid-hulled inflatable boat — A rigid inflatable boat (RIB) or rigid hulled inflatable boat, (RHIB) is a light weight but high performance and high capacity boat constructed with a solid, shaped hull and flexible tubes at the gunwale. The design is stable and seaworthy. The… … Wikipedia
Design management — is the business side of design. Design managers need to speak the language of the business and the language of design … Wikipedia
design — During the Franco dictatorship, when the climate was unfavourable to design, demand from industry was scant, and the few intellectuals who believed in progressive design, excluded as they were from political and economic influence, had to make … Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture
Culver Rigid Midget — Rigid Midget Role Glider National origin United States Manufacturer Ray Parker and Bill Bowmar Designer Irv Culver First flight 1947 Introduction 1947 Status No longer in production … Wikipedia
set design — Design jobs in the performing arts include theatre designer, stage designer and, increasingly the European term ‘scenographer’ (with sub categories of set designer, costume designer, lighting designer and sound designer). Taken together, these … Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture
Semi-rigid airship — Semi rigid airships are airships with a partial framework. These often consist of a rigid, occasionally flexible, keel frame along the long axis under the aerodynamic hull envelope. The partial framework can also be inside the hull. Semi rigids… … Wikipedia
Service design — is the activity of planning and organizing people, infrastructure, communication and material components of a service, in order to improve its quality, the interaction between service provider and customers and the customer s experience. The… … Wikipedia