right to appeal
Смотреть что такое "right to appeal" в других словарях:
right of appeal — UK US noun [singular] the right to ask a court or other official body to consider changing a decision that you disagree with Thesaurus: court cases and legal processeshyponym … Useful english dictionary
right to appeal — See right of appeal … Ballentine's law dictionary
right of appeal — right of ap peal plural rights of appeal n law the legal right to ask for a court s decision to be changed … Dictionary of contemporary English
right of appeal — noun plural rights of appeal (C) law the legal right to ask for a court s decision to be changed … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
right of appeal — The right to invoke the jurisdiction of an appellate court to obtain a review of a judgment, existing, not as an inherent or inalienable right, but as a right conferred by law under proper authority. 4 Am J2d A & E §§ 172 et seq … Ballentine's law dictionary
right of appeal — UK / US noun [singular] the right to ask a court or other official body to consider changing a decision that you disagree with … English dictionary
waiver of right to appeal — The relinquishment of the right to appeal from a judgment by express agreement or by the party s voluntary act or conduct. 4 Am J2d A & E § 235. Any act evidencing an intent to enjoy a benefit from, or base some interest upon, the judgment.… … Ballentine's law dictionary
appeal — ap·peal 1 /ə pēl/ n [Old French apel, from apeler to call, accuse, appeal, from Latin appellare]: a proceeding in which a case is brought before a higher court for review of a lower court s judgment for the purpose of convincing the higher court… … Law dictionary
Appeal — Ap*peal , n. [OE. appel, apel, OF. apel, F. appel, fr. appeler. See {Appeal}, v. t.] 1. (Law) (a) An application for the removal of a cause or suit from an inferior to a superior judge or court for re[ e]xamination or review. (b) The mode of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Appeal — For other uses, see Appeal (disambiguation). An appeal is a petition for review of a case that has been decided by a court of law. The petition is made to a higher court for the purpose of overturning the lower court s decision. The District of… … Wikipedia
appeal — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 attraction/interest ADJECTIVE ▪ considerable, great, growing, obvious, powerful, special, strong ▪ immediate, i … Collocations dictionary