right of regress

right of regress
право регресса

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "right of regress" в других словарях:

  • regress — [rē′gres; ] for v. [ ri gres′] n. [ME regresse < L regressus, pp. of regredi, to go back, return < re , back + gradi, to go: see GRADE] 1. a going or coming back 2. the right or privilege of this 3. backward movement; retrogression vi. 1 …   English World dictionary

  • Regress argument — The regress argument (also known as the diallelus (Latin < Greek di allelon through or by means of one another )) is a problem in epistemology and, in general, a problem in any situation where a statement has to be justified.[1][2][3]… …   Wikipedia

  • regress — A strategy gives rise to a vicious regress if whatever problem it was designed to solve remains as much in need of the same treatment after its use as before. Thus a definition is (usually) viciously regressive if the term to be defined recurs in …   Philosophy dictionary

  • regress — regressor, n. v. /ri gres /; n. /ree gres/, v.i. 1. to move backward; go back. 2. to revert to an earlier or less advanced state or form. n. 3. the act of going back; return. 4. the right to go back. 5. backward movement or course; retrogression …   Universalium

  • regress — re•gress v. [[t]rɪˈgrɛs[/t]] n. [[t]ˈri grɛs[/t]] v. i. 1) to move backward; go back 2) to revert to an earlier or less advanced state 3) the act of going back; return 4) the right to go back 5) backward movement or course • Etymology: 1325–75;… …   From formal English to slang

  • Experimenter's regress — In science, experimenter s regress refers to a loop of dependence between theory and evidence. In order to judge whether evidence is erroneous we must rely on theory based expectations, and to judge the value of competing theories we rely on… …   Wikipedia

  • Infinite regress — An infinite regress in a series of propositions arises if the truth of proposition P 1 requires the support of proposition P 2, and for any proposition in the series P n , the truth of P n requires the support of the truth of P n +1. There would… …   Wikipedia

  • Ingress, egress, and regress — In property law, ingress, egress and regress are the rights of a person (such as a lessee) to enter, leave, and return to a property, respectively.ources* Black s Law Dictionary (5th edition). West: St. Paul (MN), 1979 …   Wikipedia

  • free entry, egress, and regress — An expression used to denote that a person has the right to go on land again and again as often as may be reasonably necessary. Thus, in the case of a tenant entitled to emblements …   Black's law dictionary

  • ingress, egress, and regress — These words express the right (e.g. of a lessee) to enter, go upon, and return from the lands in question …   Black's law dictionary

  • free entry, egress, and regress — An expression used to denote that a person has the right to go on land again and again as often as may be reasonably necessary. Thus, in the case of a tenant entitled to emblements …   Black's law dictionary

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