right coordinate
Смотреть что такое "right coordinate" в других словарях:
Right ascension — (abbrev. RA; symbol α) is the astronomical term for one of the two coordinates of a point on the celestial sphere when using the equatorial coordinate system. The other coordinate is the declination.ExplanationRA is the celestial equivalent of… … Wikipedia
Coordinate — Co*[ o]r di*nate, n. 1. A thing of the same rank with another thing; one two or more persons or things of equal rank, authority, or importance. [1913 Webster] It has neither co[ o]rdinate nor analogon; it is absolutely one. Coleridge. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Coordinate system — For geographical coordinates on Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:WikiProject Geographical coordinates. In geometry, a coordinate system is a system which uses one or more numbers, or coordinates, to uniquely determine the position of a point or other… … Wikipedia
Coordinate vector — In linear algebra, a coordinate vector is an explicit representation of a vector in an abstract vector space as an ordered list of numbers or, equivalently, as an element of the coordinate space Fn. Coordinate vectors allow calculations with… … Wikipedia
Coordinate space — In mathematics, specifically in linear algebra, the coordinate space, Fn, is the prototypical example of an n dimensional vector space over a field F. It can be defined as the product space of F over a finite index set. Contents 1 Definition 1.1… … Wikipedia
Right- and left-hand traffic — countries with right hand traffic … Wikipedia
right — Synonyms and related words: Bill of Rights, Bircher, Bourbon, Christian, Declaration of Right, Epistle side, Magna Carta, Magna Charta, OK, Petition of Right, Roger, Tory, a propos, absolute, absolute interest, absolute power, absolutely,… … Moby Thesaurus
right-handed coordinate system — dešininė koordinačių sistema statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. right handed coordinate system vok. rechtes Koordinatensystem, n; rechtshändiges Koordinatensystem, n; Rechtssystem, n rus. правая система координат, f; правовинтовая… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Right angle — In geometry and trigonometry, a right angle is an angle of 90 degrees, corresponding to a quarter turn (that is, a quarter of a full circle). It can be defined as the angle such that twice that angle amounts to a half turn, or 180° [Lindahl, G.… … Wikipedia
right ascension — Astron. the arc of the celestial equator measured eastward from the vernal equinox to the foot of the great circle passing through the celestial poles and a given point on the celestial sphere, expressed in degrees or hours. [1585 95] * * * ▪… … Universalium
coordinate — Synonyms and related words: accommodate, accompanying, accord, accordant, adapt, adjust, adjust to, agreeing, all one, all the same, ally, alter ego, analogon, analogue, assimilate, associate, associated, at one with, attune, balance, balanced,… … Moby Thesaurus