
ˈrɪkɪts сущ.;
мед. рахит Syn : rachitis (медицина) рахит rickets (употр. как sing и как pl) мед. рахит

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rickets" в других словарях:

  • rickets — disease caused by vitamin D deficiency, 1630s, of uncertain origin. Originally a local name for the disease in Dorset and Somerset, England. Some derive it from a Dorset word, rucket to breathe with difficulty, but the sense connection is… …   Etymology dictionary

  • rickets — ► NOUN (treated as sing. or pl. ) ▪ a disease of children caused by vitamin D deficiency, characterized by softening and distortion of the bones. ORIGIN perhaps an alteration of Greek rhakhitis rickets …   English terms dictionary

  • Rickets — Rick ets, n. pl. [Of uncertain origin; but cf. AS. wrigian to bend, D. wrikken to shake, E. wriggle.] (Med.) A disease which affects children, and which is characterized by a bulky head, crooked spine and limbs, depressed ribs, enlarged and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rickets — rickets. См. гиповитаминоз D. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • rickets — [rik′its] n. [altered < ? Gr rhachitis,RACHITIS] a disease of the skeletal system, chiefly of children, resulting from absence of the normal effect of vitamin D in depositing calcium salts in the bone, and characterized by a softening and,… …   English World dictionary

  • Rickets — Infobox Disease Name = Rickets ICD10 = ICD10|E|55| |e|50 ICD9 = ICD9|268 Caption = A family with rickets. Paris, 1900. DiseasesDB = 9351 eMedicineSubj = ped eMedicineTopic = 2014 MedlinePlus = 000344 MeshName = Rickets MeshNumber = D012279Rickets …   Wikipedia

  • Rickets — A disease of infants and children that disturbs normal bone formation (ossification). Rickets is a failure to mineralize bone. This softens bone (producing osteomalacia) and permits marked bending and distortion of bones. Up through the first… …   Medical dictionary

  • rickets — /rik its/, n. Pathol. a disease of childhood, characterized by softening of the bones as a result of inadequate intake of vitamin D and insufficient exposure to sunlight, also associated with impaired calcium and phosphorus metabolism. [1635 45;… …   Universalium

  • rickets — n. a disease of childhood in which the bones do not harden due to a deficiency of vitamin D. Without vitamin D, not enough calcium salts are deposited in the bones to make them rigid: consequently they become soft and malformed. This is… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • rickets — [[t]rɪ̱kɪts[/t]] N UNCOUNT Rickets is a disease that children can get when their food does not contain enough Vitamin D. It makes their bones soft and causes their liver and spleen to become too large …   English dictionary

  • Rickets, celiac — Rickets caused by failure of the intestines to absorb calcium and fat from foods …   Medical dictionary

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