- rhynchocephalian
- палеонт.
1) ринхоцефал
2) крюкоголовый, принадлежащий к ринхоцефалам (палеонтология) ринхоцефал (палеонтология) крюкоголовый, принадлежащий к ринхоцефалам
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
rhynchocephalian — [riŋ΄kō sə fā′lē ən] adj. [< Gr rhynchos, snout + kephalē, head (see CEPHALIC) + IAN] designating or of a nearly extinct order (Rhynchocephalia) of lizardlike, beaked reptiles: the only two existing species are tuataras n. any member of this… … English World dictionary
rhynchocephalian — noun Etymology: ultimately from Greek rhynchos beak, snout + kephalē head more at cephalic Date: 1886 any of an order (Rhynchocephalia) of reptiles resembling lizards that includes the tuatara as the only living member • rhynchocephalian… … New Collegiate Dictionary
rhynchocephalian — /ring koh seuh fayl yeuhn, fay lee euhn/, adj. 1. belonging or pertaining to the Rhynchocephalia, an order of lizardlike reptiles that are extinct except for the tuatara. n. 2. a rhynchocephalian reptile. [1865 70; < NL Rhynchocephali(a) name of… … Universalium
rhynchocephalian — rhyn•cho•ce•pha•lian [[t]ˌrɪŋ koʊ səˈfeɪl yən, ˈfeɪ li ən[/t]] adj. 1) ram belonging to the Rhynchocephalia, an order of lizardlike reptiles 2) ram a rhynchocephalian reptile • Etymology: 1865–70; < NL Rhynchocephali(a) (< Gk rhýncho(s)… … From formal English to slang
rhynchocephalian — /ˌrɪŋkoʊsəˈfeɪliən/ (say .ringkohsuh fayleeuhn) adjective 1. belonging to the Rhynchocephalia, an order of lizard shaped reptiles, now extinct except for the tuatara of New Zealand. –noun 2. a rhynchocephalian reptile. {New Latin, Rhynchocephalia …
rhynchocephalian — noun Any of a group of extinct reptiles of the order Rhynchocephalia … Wiktionary
rhynchocephalian — rhyn·cho·ce·pha·lian … English syllables
rhynchocephalian — adjective or noun see rhynchocephalia … Useful english dictionary
Laosaurus — Taxobox name = Laosaurus fossil range = Upper Jurassic, Upper Cretaceous regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Sauropsida superordo = Dinosauria ordo = Ornithischia subordo = Cerapoda infraordo = Ornithopoda familia = Hypsilophodontidae… … Wikipedia
rhyn|cho|ce|pha|li|an — «RIHNG koh suh FAY lee uhn, FAYL yuhn», adjective, noun. –adj. belonging to an order of nearly extinct, small, lizardlike reptiles. –n. a rhynchocephalian reptile: »The tuatara of New Zealand is the only extant rhynchocephalian. ╂[< New Latin… … Useful english dictionary
tuatara — noun (plural tara or taras) Etymology: Maori tuatàra Date: 1890 a large spiny quadrupedal reptile (Sphenodon punctatum) of islands off the coast of New Zealand that has a vestigial third eye in the middle of the forehead representing the pineal… … New Collegiate Dictionary