Смотреть что такое "rhumb-line" в других словарях:
rhumb line — Rhumb Rhumb, n. [F. rumb, Sp. rumbo, or Pg. rumbo, rumo, probably fr. Gr. ??? a magic wheel, a whirling motion, hence applied to a point of the compass. See {Rhomb}.] (Navigation) A line which crosses successive meridians at a constant angle;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rhumb line — n. the course of a ship that keeps a constant compass direction, represented on a map, chart, or globe by a line that cuts across all meridians at the same angle … English World dictionary
rhumb line — rhumb′ line n. navig. the path of a ship that maintains a constant compass direction • Etymology: 1660–70 … From formal English to slang
Rhumb line — In navigation, a rhumb line (or loxodrome) is a line crossing all meridians at the same angle, i.e. a path of constant bearing. Unlike a great circle route (for which bearing is not constant), following a rhumb line requires turning the vehicle… … Wikipedia
rhumb line — noun a line on a sphere that cuts all meridians at the same angle; the path taken by a ship or plane that maintains a constant compass direction • Syn: ↑rhumb, ↑loxodrome • Hypernyms: ↑line * * * ˈrəm|līn noun : a line on the surface of the earth … Useful english dictionary
rhumb line — A line on the surface of the earth that cuts all meridians at the same angle. It appears as a curved line on the surface of a sphere. Only one such line may be drawn through any two points. Although this is not the shortest distance, the… … Aviation dictionary
Rhumb Line Resort — (Kennebunkport,США) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: 41 Turbat s Creek … Каталог отелей
rhumb line — a curve on the surface of a sphere that cuts all meridians at the same angle. It is the path taken by a vessel or aircraft that maintains a constant compass direction. Also called loxodrome, rhumb. [1660 70] * * * … Universalium
rhumb line — noun Etymology: Spanish rumbo Date: 1669 a line on the surface of the earth that follows a single compass bearing and makes equal oblique angles with all meridians called also loxodrome … New Collegiate Dictionary
rhumb line — noun a) A line that cuts all meridians at the same angle. b) The path of a vessel that maintains a constant compass direction. Syn: loxodrome … Wiktionary
Rhumb line — Die Loxodrome von A nach B schneidet alle Meridiane im konstante Winkel η Die Loxodrome (gr. loxos „schief“, dromos „Lauf“) ist eine Kurve auf einer Kugeloberfläche, die immer unter dem gleichen Winkel die Meridiane im … Deutsch Wikipedia