- rhizoid
- ризоид (ботаника) ризоид корневидный, нитеобразный, ризоидный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Rhizoid — Rhi zoid, n. [Gr. ??? root + oid.] (Bot.) A rootlike appendage. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rhizoid — Rhizoid, der Wurzel der Cormophyten analoges, der Verankerung im Boden dienendes wurzelartiges Gebilde mancher Algen, der Moospflänzchen und Farnprothallien … Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie
rhizoid — 1858, from Gk. rhiza root (see RHIZOME (Cf. rhizome)) + oid (see OID (Cf. oid)) … Etymology dictionary
rhizoid — [rī′zoid΄] adj. [ RHIZ(O) + OID] rootlike n. any of the rootlike filaments in a moss, fern, etc. that attach the plant to the substratum rhizoidal adj … English World dictionary
rhizoid — noun Date: 1875 a rootlike structure • rhizoidal adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Rhizoid — Rhizoids are a structure in plants and fungi that functions like a root in support or absorption.In fungi, rhizoids are small branching hyphae that grow downwards from the stolons that anchor the fungus. They release digestive enzymes and absorb… … Wikipedia
Rhizoid — Rhizoide sind „Quasi Wurzeln“, insbesondere bei Moosen, aber auch beispielsweise bei den Armleuchteralgen und einigen Samenpflanzen, zum Beispiel den Wasserschläuchen. Rhizoide bei Moosen besitzen im Gegensatz zu Wurzeln höherer Pflanzen kein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
rhizoid — n. [Gr. rhiza, root; eidos, like] (BRYOZOA) A rootlike structure composed of one or more kenozooids … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
rhizoid — Portion of a cell or organism that serves as a basal anchor to the substratum … Dictionary of molecular biology
rhizoid — rhizoidal, adj. /ruy zoyd/, adj. 1. rootlike. n. 2. (in mosses, ferns, etc.) one of the rootlike filaments by which the plant is attached to the substratum. [1855 60; RHIZ + OID] * * * … Universalium
rhizoid — noun A rootlike structure in fungi and some plants that acts as support and/or aids the absorption of nutrients … Wiktionary