rewriting rule
Смотреть что такое "rewriting rule" в других словарях:
rewriting rule — pakeitimo taisyklė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. rewriting rule; substitution rule vok. Substitutionsregel, f rus. правило подстановки, n pranc. règle de substitution, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Rewriting — In mathematics, computer science and logic, rewriting covers a wide range of potentially non deterministic methods of replacing subterms of a formula with other terms. What is considered are rewrite systems (also rewriting systems, or term… … Wikipedia
Graph rewriting — In graph theory, graph rewriting is a system of rewriting for graphs, i.e. a set of graph rewrite rules of the form p: L ightarrow R, with L being called pattern graph (or left hand side) and R being called replacement graph (or right hand side… … Wikipedia
substitution rule — pakeitimo taisyklė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. rewriting rule; substitution rule vok. Substitutionsregel, f rus. правило подстановки, n pranc. règle de substitution, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Normal form (abstract rewriting) — In abstract rewriting, a normal form is an element of the system which cannot be rewritten any further. Stated formally, for some reduction relation ⋅ → ⋅ over X a term t in X is a normal form if there does not exist a term t′ in X such … Wikipedia
Orthogonality (term rewriting) — Orthogonality as a property of term rewriting systems describes where the reduction rules of the system are all left linear, that is each variable occurs only once on the left hand side of each reduction rule, and there is no overlap between them … Wikipedia
Normal form (term rewriting) — In considering rewriting systems, a normal form is an element of the system which cannot be rewritten any further. Consider the basic term rewriting system with reduction rule ρ : g ( x , y ) → x . The term g ( g (4, 2), g (3, 1)) has the… … Wikipedia
Abstract rewriting machine — The Abstract Rewriting Machine (ARM) is a virtual machine which implements term rewriting for minimal term rewriting systems. Minimal term rewriting systems are left linear term rewriting systems in which each rule takes on one of six forms:… … Wikipedia
Abstract Rewriting Machine — The Abstract Rewriting Machine (ARM) is a virtual machinewhich implements term rewriting for minimal term rewriting systems. Minimal term rewriting systems are left linear termrewriting systems in which each rule takes on one of six… … Wikipedia
Overlap (term rewriting) — In mathematics, computer science and logic, overlap, as a property of the reduction rules in term rewriting system, describes a situation where a number of different reduction rules specify potentially contradictory ways of reducing a reducible… … Wikipedia
Rewrite rule — In mathematics, linguistics and computer science, a rewrite rule ( phrase structure rule or production ) in generative grammar is a rule of the form A → X where A is a syntactic category label, such as noun phrase or sentence, and X is a sequence … Wikipedia