reward power

reward power
власть, основанная на вознаграждении;
власть, основанная на высоком уровне знаний и квалификации носителей

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "reward power" в других словарях:

  • Reward Power — Macht eines Individuums, die aus seiner Möglichkeit, andere zu belohnen, resultiert …   Lexikon der Economics

  • Power (philosophy) — Powerful redirects here. For other uses, see Power (disambiguation). Power is a measurement of an entity s ability to control its environment, including the behavior of other entities. The term authority is often used for power perceived as… …   Wikipedia

  • Power (communication) — Power is the ability to influence the attainment of goals of an individual or a group. Power is not a characteristic of any one individual, rather, it is defined in terms of relationships and transactions between people. Power is crucial to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Power Rangers Operation Overdrive — Operation Overdrive redirects here. For the scheme to improve public transportation, see Operation Overdrive (transportation). Power Rangers Operation Overdrive Format Action/Adventure Science fantasy …   Wikipedia

  • power —    The ability to get things done, if necessary involving making others do what they would not do by free choice. Other means of persuasion may be deployed but underlying their use is the ability to reward or punish. It is a key ingredient of… …   Glossary of UK Government and Politics

  • The rise of Jat power — ’ (king) was conferred upon him in 1724. [Dr P.L. Vishwakarma, The Jats, I, Ed Dr Vir Singh, (Delhi:2004), 116] In past Jats always rose against tyranny, injustice, economic and social exploitations and were never overawed by claims of racial or… …   Wikipedia

  • Dragon Ball: The Path to Power — The Path to Power redirects here. It is also the title of a book by Margaret Thatcher. Dragon Ball: The Path to Power Japanese box art Directed by Shigeyasu Yamauchi …   Wikipedia

  • Smart power grid — Smart Grid is a transformed electricity transmission and distribution network or grid that uses robust two way communications, advanced sensors, and distributed computers to improve the efficiency, reliability and safety of power delivery and use …   Wikipedia

  • Environmental impact of wind power — Livestock ignore wind turbines,[1] and continue to graze as they did before wind turbines were installed. Compared to the environmental impact of traditional energy sources, the environmental impact of wind power is relatively minor. Wind power… …   Wikipedia

  • Equal power relationship — Peacemaking and feminist theory coined the term equal power relationship to describe a situation in which neither partner had a clear power over the other. It has since come into more general use.Perception and reinforcement of an equal power… …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamic demand (electric power) — Dynamic Demand is the name of a semi passive technology for adjusting load demands on an electrical power grid. (It is also the name of an independent not for profit organization in the UK supported by a charitable grant from the Esmée Fairbairn… …   Wikipedia

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