revolving valve
Смотреть что такое "revolving valve" в других словарях:
valve — (n.) late 14c., one of the halves of a folding door, from L. valva section of a folding or revolving door, lit. that which turns, related to volvere to roll (see VULVA (Cf. vulva)). Sense extended 1610s to membranous fold regulating flow of… … Etymology dictionary
Revolving cylinder engine — The primary claimed benefit of the revolving cylinder, axial piston engine is that a 4 cycle, reciprocating piston engine can be achieved without the need for a complex and expensive valve train. The intake and exhaust flows are controlled by… … Wikipedia
valve — [14] The etymological notion underlying valve is of a door opening and closing. The word was adapted from Latin valva, which denoted one of the sections of a folding or revolving door, and may have had links with volvere ‘roll’ (source of English … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
valve — [14] The etymological notion underlying valve is of a door opening and closing. The word was adapted from Latin valva, which denoted one of the sections of a folding or revolving door, and may have had links with volvere ‘roll’ (source of English … Word origins
Rotary valve — Rotary Ro ta*ry, a. [L. rota a wheel. See {Roll}, v., and cf. {barouche}, {Rodomontade}, {Rou[ e]}, {Round}, a., {Rowel}.] Turning, as a wheel on its axis; pertaining to, or resembling, the motion of a wheel on its axis; rotatory; as, rotary… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lighthouse — /luyt hows /, n., pl. lighthouses / how ziz/. 1. a tower or other structure displaying or flashing a very bright light for the guidance of ships in avoiding dangerous areas, in following certain routes, etc. 2. either of two cylindrical metal… … Universalium
Samuel Morey — Infobox Engineer image size = 150px caption = Samuel Morey name = Samuel Morey nationality = American birth date = October 23, 1762 birth place = Hebron, Connecticut death date = April 17, 1843 death place = education = spouse = parents =… … Wikipedia
papermaking — [pā′pər māk΄iŋ] n. the making of paper papermaker n. * * * pa·per·mak·ing (pāʹpər mā kĭng) n. The process or craft of making paper. paʹper·mak er n. * * * Introduction formation of a matted or felted sheet, usually of cellulose fibres,… … Universalium
turn — [tʉrn] vt. [ME turnen < OE turnian & OFr turner, tourner, both < L tornare, to turn in a lathe, turn < tornus, lathe < Gr tornos, lathe, carpenter s compasses, akin to terein, to bore through: for IE base see THROW] I to cause to… … English World dictionary
automobile — automobilist /aw teuh meuh bee list, moh bi list/, n. /aw teuh meuh beel , aw teuh meuh beel , aw teuh moh beel, beuhl/, n. 1. a passenger vehicle designed for operation on ordinary roads and typically having four wheels and a gasoline or diesel… … Universalium
Ducati 916 — Manufacturer Ducati Model year 1994 1998[1] … Wikipedia