revolutionary epoch
Смотреть что такое "revolutionary epoch" в других словарях:
epoch — n. 1) to mark; usher in an epoch 2) a glacial; revolutionary epoch * * * [ iːpɒk] revolutionary epoch usher in an epoch a glacial to mark … Combinatory dictionary
History of American newspapers — The history of American newspapers goes back to the 17th century with the publication of the first colonial newspapers.Colonial period(This section is based on [ The Cambridge History of English and… … Wikipedia
Pierre Victurnien Vergniaud — (May 31, 1753 – October 31, 1793) was a French orator and revolutionary.BackgroundHe was born at Limoges, the son of a merchant who lost most of his money by speculation. The boy was sent to the Jesuit college at Limôges, where he did well. Anne… … Wikipedia
Sardinia — • The second largest Italian island in the Mediterranean Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Sardinia Sardinia † … Catholic encyclopedia
Alexander I of Russia — Aleksandr I redirects here. It can also refer to Aleksandr I, Grand Prince of Tver. Alexander I Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias Reign 24 March 1801 – 1 December 1825 (& … Wikipedia
Congo, People’s Republic Of — (PRC) In 1968, after a flirtation with socialism that followed the 1960 end to French rule in Congo, a military coup saw the installation of a Marxist–Leninist government and the birth of the People’s Republic of Congo. 1963 had witnessed the… … Historical dictionary of Marxism
Orléanist — The Orléanists were a French right wing/center right party which arose out of the French Revolution. It governed France 1830 1848 in the July Monarchy of king Louis Philippe. It is generally seen as a transitional period dominated by the… … Wikipedia
Jean Baptiste Kléber — (9 March, 1753 ndash; 14 June, 1800) was a French general during the French Revolutionary Wars. Biography Kléber was born in Strasbourg, where his father worked as a builder. He received, partly at Paris, training in architecture, but his… … Wikipedia
Brigandage — refers to the life and practice of brigands: highway robbery and plunder. Origin of the word The brigand is supposed to derive his name from the Old French brigan , which is a form of the Italian brigante , an irregular or partisan soldier. There … Wikipedia
François Ponsard — (1 June 1814 ndash; 7 July 1867), was a French dramatist.He was born at Vienne, in the département of Isère. Trained as a lawyer, his first literary work was a translation of Manfred (1837). His play, Lucrèce ,, was performed at the Thêatre… … Wikipedia
Vasily Rozanov — Vasily Vasilievich Rozanov ( Василий Васильевич Рóзанов ) (1856 1919) was one of the most controversial Russian writers and philosophers of the pre revolutionary epoch. His views have been termed the religion of procreation , as he tried to… … Wikipedia