reversible state

reversible state
обратимое состояние

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "reversible state" в других словарях:

  • Reversible computing — is a model of computing where the computational process to some extent is reversible, i.e., time invertible. A necessary condition for reversibility of a computational model is that the transition function mapping states to their successors at a… …   Wikipedia

  • Reversible jump — Markov chain Monte Carlo is an extension to standard Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methodology that allows simulation of the posterior distribution on spaces of varying dimensions. [cite journal author = Green, P.J. |authorlink=Peter Green… …   Wikipedia

  • Reversible reference system propagation algorithm — Reversible reference system propagation algorithm, or r RESPA is a time stepping algorithm used in molecular dynamics. [AR Leach. Molecular modelling: principles and applications 1998, p. 363] It evolves the system state over time,:Gamma(t) =… …   Wikipedia

  • Reversible lane — The Lions Gate Bridge from the south end in Stanley Park, Vancouver. A reversible lane (British English: tidal flow), called a counterflow lane or contraflow lane in transport engineering nomenclature, is a lane in which traffi …   Wikipedia

  • Reversible process (thermodynamics) — For articles on other forms of reversibility, including reversibility of microscopic dynamics, see reversibility (disambiguation). In thermodynamics, a reversible process, or reversible cycle if the process is cyclic, is a process that can be… …   Wikipedia

  • Reversible dynamics — Mathematics In mathematics, a dynamical system is invertible if the forward evolution is one to one, not many to one; so that for every state there exists a well defined reverse time evolution operator.The dynamics are time reversible if there… …   Wikipedia

  • Reversible Inhibition — Bindungsort des Hemmstoffes bei einer kompetitiven bzw. nicht kompetitiven Hemmung Enzymhemmung ist die negative Beeinflussung einer enzymatischen Reaktion durch einen Hemmstoff, der Inhibitor genannt wird. Dabei wird die Geschwindigkeit der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Reversible express lanes in Seattle, Washington — Infobox WA State Route|type=Interstate|route=5 Express Lanes|parent type=Interstate|parent=5|sec=595|length mi=8.00 dir1=South|dir2=North marker from= junction=Stewart Street/Howell Avenue Mercer Street NE 42nd Street (UW) previous type=WA… …   Wikipedia

  • reversible reaction — noun : a reaction that takes place in either direction according to conditions (as the formation of hydriodic acid by union of hydrogen and iodine or its decomposition into these elements) compare equilibrium 1b * * * Chem. a reaction that,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • reversible — re|vers|i|ble [ rı vɜrsəbl ] adjective 1. ) able to return or be changed to a previous state: They claim the effects of global warning may be reversible. 2. ) able to be used or worn on both sides: a reversible jacket ╾ re|vers|i|bil|i|ty noun… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • reversible — UK [rɪˈvɜː(r)səb(ə)l] / US [rɪˈvɜrsəb(ə)l] adjective 1) able to return or be changed to a previous state They claim the effects of global warning may be reversible. 2) able to be used or worn on both sides a reversible jacket Derived word:… …   English dictionary

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