reversible change
Смотреть что такое "reversible change" в других словарях:
reversible change — grįžtamasis kitimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. reversible change vok. reversible Änderung, f rus. обратимое изменение, n pranc. changement réversible, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
reversible Änderung — grįžtamasis kitimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. reversible change vok. reversible Änderung, f rus. обратимое изменение, n pranc. changement réversible, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
réversible — [ revɛrsibl ] adj. • 1682 féod.; du lat. reversus 1 ♦ Qui peut ou doit, dans certains cas, retourner au propriétaire qui en a disposé (terres réversibles après un bail emphytéotique), ou profiter à un autre que le bénéficiaire, après la mort de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
reversible — [ri vʉr′sə bəl] adj. 1. that can be reversed; specif., made so that either side can be used as the outer side; finished on both sides: said of cloth, coats, etc. 2. that can reverse; specif., that can change and then go back to the original… … English World dictionary
Reversible process (thermodynamics) — For articles on other forms of reversibility, including reversibility of microscopic dynamics, see reversibility (disambiguation). In thermodynamics, a reversible process, or reversible cycle if the process is cyclic, is a process that can be… … Wikipedia
Reversible lane — The Lions Gate Bridge from the south end in Stanley Park, Vancouver. A reversible lane (British English: tidal flow), called a counterflow lane or contraflow lane in transport engineering nomenclature, is a lane in which traffi … Wikipedia
Reversible reaction — A reversible reaction is a chemical reaction that results in an equilibrium mixture of reactants and products. For a reaction involving two reactants and two products this can be expressed symbolically as :aA + bB ⇌ cC + dDA and B can react to… … Wikipedia
reversible — re|vers|i|ble [rıˈvə:sıbəl US ə:r ] adj 1.) a change that is reversible can be changed back to how it was before ≠ ↑irreversible ▪ A lot of chemical reactions are reversible. 2.) a piece of clothing or material that is reversible can be worn with … Dictionary of contemporary English
reversible reaction — noun : a reaction that takes place in either direction according to conditions (as the formation of hydriodic acid by union of hydrogen and iodine or its decomposition into these elements) compare equilibrium 1b * * * Chem. a reaction that,… … Useful english dictionary
reversible — reversibility, reversibleness, n. reversibly, adv. /ri verr seuh beuhl/, adj. 1. capable of reversing or of being reversed. 2. capable of reestablishing the original condition after a change by the reverse of the change. 3. (of a fabric) woven or … Universalium
reversible — re•vers•i•ble [[t]rɪˈvɜr sə bəl[/t]] adj. 1) capable of reversing or of being reversed 2) capable of reestablishing the original condition after a change by a reversal of the change 3) tex constructed so that either side can be exposed: a… … From formal English to slang