reverse sign

reverse sign
менять знак, матем. изменять знак

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "reverse sign" в других словарях:

  • Reverse psychology — is a persuasion technique that involves the false advocacy of a belief or behavior contrary to the belief or behavior that is actually being advocated. This technique relies on the psychological phenomenon of reactance, in which a person has a… …   Wikipedia

  • Reverse handball — is a type of tennis ball game similar to school handball, created in Sydney, Australia. Like its predecessor, primitive school handball (refer to Australian Handball), reverse handball may be played on any surface area that has marked lines and… …   Wikipedia

  • Sign-off — (or closedown) is the sequence of operations involved when a radio or television station shuts down its transmitters and goes off the air for a predetermined period; generally this occurs during the overnight hours. It is the opposite to a sign… …   Wikipedia

  • Sign-on — (or startup) is the term used to describe the beginning of operations for a television station. It is the opposite to a sign off (or closedown).As with sign offs, sign ons vary from country to country, and from station to station.North AmericaIn… …   Wikipedia

  • Sign of the Cross — • A term applied to various manual acts, liturgical or devotional in character, which have this at least in common: that by the gesture of tracing two lines intersecting at right angles they indicate symbolically the figure of Christ s cross… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Sign — Any abnormality that indicates a disease process, such as a change in appearance, sensation, or function, that is observed by a physician when evaluating a patient. * * * 1. Any abnormality indicative of disease, discoverable on examination of… …   Medical dictionary

  • Reverse-Proxy — Ein Proxy (von engl. „proxy representative“ = Stellvertreter, bzw. lat. „proximus“ = der Nächste) arbeitet als Vermittler, der auf der einen Seite Anfragen entgegennimmt, um dann über seine eigene Adresse eine Verbindung zur anderen Seite… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Reverse Proxy — Ein Proxy (von engl. „proxy representative“ = Stellvertreter, bzw. lat. „proximus“ = der Nächste) arbeitet als Vermittler, der auf der einen Seite Anfragen entgegennimmt, um dann über seine eigene Adresse eine Verbindung zur anderen Seite… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Reverse proxy — Ein Proxy (von engl. „proxy representative“ = Stellvertreter, bzw. lat. „proximus“ = der Nächste) arbeitet als Vermittler, der auf der einen Seite Anfragen entgegennimmt, um dann über seine eigene Adresse eine Verbindung zur anderen Seite… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Reverse curve — A reverse curve is an area along a transportation corridor alignment (highway or railroad) that curves in one direction and is immediately followed by a curve in the opposite direction. In the United States, a reverse curve on a highway is often… …   Wikipedia

  • reverse — 1 verb 1 CHANGE STH (T) to change something, such as a decision, judgment, or process so that it is the opposite of what it was before: The court of appeal reversed the original verdict and set the prisoner free. | What can we do to reverse the… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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