- revaluate
- revaluate переоценивать ~ ревальвировать
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
revaluate — (v.) 1949, back formation from REVALUATION (Cf. revaluation) … Etymology dictionary
revaluate — [rē val′yo͞o āt΄] vt. revaluated, revaluating to make a new valuation or appraisal of revaluation n … English World dictionary
revaluate — transitive verb Etymology: back formation from revaluation Date: 1921 revalue; specifically to increase the value of (as currency) • revaluation noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
revaluate — revaluation, n. /ree val yooh ayt /, v.t., revaluated, revaluating. 1. to make a new or revised valuation of; revalue. 2. to increase the legal exchange value of (a nation s currency) relative to other currencies. [1920 25; prob. back formation… … Universalium
revaluate — re·val·u·ate || ‚rÉªË væljÊŠeɪt v. revalue, make a new valuation; change the exchange rate of a currency … English contemporary dictionary
revaluate — re·val·u·ate … English syllables
revaluate — re•val•u•ate [[t]riˈvæl yuˌeɪt[/t]] v. t. at•ed, at•ing 1) ecn to make a new or revised valuation of 2) to increase the exchange value of (a nation s currency) relative to other currencies re•val u•a′tion, n … From formal English to slang
revaluate — (ˈ)rē|valyəˌwāt, usu ād.+V transitive verb Etymology: back formation from revaluation : to valuate (as currency) again : make a new or different evaluation of revaluated on a par with the United States dollar revaluating great … works of fiction… … Useful english dictionary
revaluation — noun see revaluate … New Collegiate Dictionary
Splinter bid — In contract bridge, a splinter bid is a convention whereby a jump bid in a side suit indicates a trump fit and a singleton or void in the suit bid. For example, a 4 clubs response to a 1 heart opening establishes hearts as trump suit and… … Wikipedia
Archival science — is the theory and study of the safe storage, cataloguing and retrieval of documents and items. [cite web |url=http://www.archivists.org/glossary/term details.asp?DefinitionKey=1814|title=A Glossary of Archival and Records… … Wikipedia