rev up engine

rev up engine
гонять двигатель

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rev up engine" в других словарях:

  • rev — I UK [rev] / US verb [intransitive/transitive] Word forms rev : present tense I/you/we/they rev he/she/it revs present participle revving past tense revved past participle revved rev or rev up if you rev an engine, or if it revs, you press the… …   English dictionary

  • rev — rev1 [ rev ] verb intransitive or transitive rev or rev up if you rev an engine or if it revs, you press the GAS PEDAL with your foot when the vehicle is not moving in order to make the engine operate faster: Armstrong revved the engine and drove …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • rev — rev1 [rev] v past tense and past participle revved present participle revving [I and T] also rev up if you rev an engine, or if an engine revs, you make it work faster rev up phr v if you rev up a system or organization, or if it revs up, it… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • rev — 1 noun (C) informal a complete turn of a wheel or engine part, used as a unit for measuring the speed of an engine; revolution (4) 2 also rev up verb revved, revving (I, T) if you rev an engine, or if an engine revs, you make it work faster: the… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • rev [rev] — verb [I/T] if you rev an engine, or if it revs, you press the ACCELERATOR with your foot when the vehicle is not moving in order to make the engine operate faster …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • ˌrev (sth) ˈup — verb [I/T] if you rev an engine, or if it revs, you press the ACCELERATOR with your foot when the vehicle is not moving in order to make the engine operate faster …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • rev — /rev/, n., v., revved, revving. Informal. n. 1. a revolution (in an engine or the like). v.t. 2. to accelerate sharply the speed of (an engine or the like) (often fol. by up). v.i. 3. (of an engine) to accelerate; become revved (often fol. by up) …   Universalium

  • rev — rev1 [rev] Informal n. a revolution, as of the crankshaft of an engine vt. revved, revving 1. to increase the revolutions per minute of (an engine, motor, etc.) 2. to accelerate, intensify, etc.: Usually with up vi. to undergo revving rev2 …   English World dictionary

  • rev — informal ► NOUN (revs) ▪ the number of revolutions of an engine per minute. ► VERB (revved, revving) ▪ increase the running speed of (an engine) by pressing the accelerator …   English terms dictionary

  • Rev W Awdry — [Rev W Awdry] (Wilbert Awdry 1911–97) an English ↑vicar (= ↑Church of England priest) and writer of children’s books. He is best known for having created ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • rev — (v.) 1916, from earlier noun (1901), shortening of revolution, in reference to the internal combustion engine …   Etymology dictionary

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