- return on investment
- прибыль на инвестированный капитал
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Return on Investment — [rɪ təːn ɔn ɪn vestmənt, englisch], Abkürzung ROI, Kennzahl, die eine Aussage über die Rentabilität des investierten Kapitals zulässt … Universal-Lexikon
return on investment — ( ROI) Generally, book income as a proportion of net book value. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary the ratio of net profit after income tax, over owner s equity. Usually expressed as a percentage. Glossary of Business Terms * * * return on… … Financial and business terms
Return of investment — Der Begriff Return on Investment (deutsch Kapitalverzinsung oder Kapitalrendite, kurz ROI) bezeichnet ein Modell zur Messung der Rendite des eingesetzten Kapitals. Der ROI beschreibt als Oberbegriff für Renditekennzahlen sowohl die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Return on Investment — Der Begriff Return on Investment (deutsch Kapitalverzinsung, Kapitalrendite oder Anlagenrendite,[1] kurz ROI) bezeichnet ein Modell zur Messung der Rendite einer unternehmerischen Tätigkeit, gemessen am Gewinn im Verhältnis zum eingesetzten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Return on Investment — Re|turn on In|vest|ment [ri tə:n ɔn in vɛstmənt] <aus gleichbed. engl. return on investment, eigtl. »Gewinn aus Investition«> Kennzahl, die eine Aussage über die Rentabilität des investierten Kapitals zulässt (Wirtsch.); Abk.: ROI … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Return On Investment - ROI — A performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or to compare the efficiency of a number of different investments. To calculate ROI, the benefit (return) of an investment is divided by the cost of the investment; the result … Investment dictionary
return on investment — Amount earned per year on an investment, usually expressed as percentage. See also rate (rate of return) return on assets return on equity … Black's law dictionary
return on investment — noun (corporate finance) the amount, expressed as a percentage, that is earned on a company s total capital calculated by dividing the total capital into earnings before interest, taxes, or dividends are paid • Syn: ↑return on invested capital,… … Useful english dictionary
return on investment — noun Finance a measure of the efficiency of an investment, expressed as a percentage or ratio by subtracting the cost of the investment from the gain from the investment and then dividing this amount by the cost of the investment. Abbrev.: ROI …
return on investment — the amount of profit, before tax and after depreciation, from an investment made, usually expressed as a percentage of the original total cost invested. Abbr.: ROI * * * … Universalium
return for investment — ROI, index of profits in relation to a business investment (used to evaluate performance) … English contemporary dictionary