return line
Смотреть что такое "return line" в других словарях:
return line — See fuel return line … Dictionary of automotive terms
return-line port — grįžimo anga statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. return line port; tank connection port vok. Rücklaufanschluß, m; Tankanschluß, m rus. отверстие сброса, n pranc. orifice de retour, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Carriage Return Line Feed — En informatique, CRLF (ou CR+LF), est une séquence de deux octets qui indique une fin de la ligne (et surtout une nouvelle ligne) dans un texte. Le sigle CRLF provient de la juxtaposition du sigle de Carriage Return (retour chariot) et de Line… … Wikipédia en Français
line — The path through a corner that best accommodates a late braking point, a high cornering speed, and the fastest possible exit speed out of a corner. Also see airline air line assembly line battery fill line belt line brake line buff line cutting… … Dictionary of automotive terms
return — See earth return fuel return line ground return … Dictionary of automotive terms
Return-to-zero — (RZ) describes a line code used in telecommunications signals in which the signal drops (returns) to zero between each pulse. This takes place even if a number of consecutive 0 s or 1 s occur in the signal. The signal is self clocking. This means … Wikipedia
Return yards — is an American football and Canadian football statistical measure that takes several forms. In American and Canadian football, progress is measured by advancing the football towards the opposing team s Goal line. Progress can be made during play… … Wikipedia
return — [ri tʉrn′] vi. [ME retournen < OFr retourner: see RE & TURN] 1. to go or come back, as to a former place, condition, practice, opinion, etc. 2. to go back in thought or speech [to return to the subject] 3. to revert to a former owner 4. to ans … English World dictionary
Return to Oz (song) — Return to Oz is a song by the pop/electronica band Scissor Sisters. It is the last song on their 2004 debut album, Scissor Sisters, and uses the lyrical motif of the film Return to Oz as an allegory for crystal meth abuse. The song is about drug… … Wikipedia
Line Mode Browser — displaying the German Wikipedia Original author(s) … Wikipedia
Return To The Source — was a London based Goa Trance music collective and record label. RTTS (as it became known) first emerged in the early 1990s alongside the musical genre of Goa Trance and it s successor Psychedelic Trance. RTTS produced a number of compilation… … Wikipedia