return curve

return curve
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "return curve" в других словарях:

  • venous return curve — a graphic representation of venous return as a function of atrial pressure; it measures the contributions of peripheral factors that affect the flow of blood from the veins to the heart. Multiple curves generated under varying conditions are… …   Medical dictionary

  • curve — 1. A nonangular continuous bend or line. 2. A chart or graphic representation, by means of a continuous line connecting individual observations, of the course of a physiologic activity, of the number of cases of a disease in a given period, or of …   Medical dictionary

  • Yield curve — This article is about yield curves as used in finance. For the term s use in physics, see Yield curve (physics). Not to be confused with Yield curve spread – see Z spread. The US dollar yield curve as of February 9, 2005. The curve has a typical… …   Wikipedia

  • Learning curve — The term learning curve refers to the graphical relation between the amount of learning and the time it takes to learn. Initially introduced in educational and behavioral psychology, the term has acquired a broader interpretation over time, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Hilbert curve — A Hilbert curve (also known as a Hilbert space filling curve) is a continuous fractal space filling curve first described by the German mathematician David Hilbert in 1891. [D. Hilbert: Über die stetige Abbildung einer Linie auf ein Flächenstück …   Wikipedia

  • Z-order curve — Not to be confused with Z curve or Z order. Four iterations of the Z order curve …   Wikipedia

  • Phillips curve — The Phillips curve is a historical inverse relation between the rate of unemployment and the rate of inflation in an economy. Stated simply, the lower the unemployment in an economy, the higher the rate of increase in wages paid to labor in that… …   Wikipedia

  • Laffer curve — In economics, the Laffer curve is used to illustrate the idea that increases in the rate of taxation may sometimes decrease tax revenue. Since a 100 percent income tax will generate no revenue (as citizens will have no incentive to work), the… …   Wikipedia

  • Closed timelike curve — In mathematical physics, a closed timelike curve (CTC) is a worldline in a Lorentzian manifold, of a material particle in spacetime that is closed, returning to its starting point. This possibility was first raised by Kurt Gödel in 1949, who… …   Wikipedia

  • Sierpiński curve — Sierpiński curves are a recursively defined sequence of continuous closed plane fractal curves discovered by Wacław Sierpiński, which in the limit n ightarrow infty completely fill the unit square: thus their limit curve, also called the… …   Wikipedia

  • Lenstra elliptic curve factorization — The Lenstra elliptic curve factorization or the elliptic curve factorization method (ECM) is a fast, sub exponential running time algorithm for integer factorization which employs elliptic curves. Technically, the ECM is classified as a… …   Wikipedia

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