- retroactive pay
- оплата за проделанную работу
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
retroactive — /ˌretrəυ æktɪv/ adjective which takes effect from a time in the past ● The union is asking for a retroactive pay rise. ● They got a pay rise retroactive to last January. ▪▪▪ ‘The salary increases, retroactive from April of the current year,… … Dictionary of banking and finance
retroactive — ret|ro|ac|tive [ˌretrəuˈæktıv US trou ] adj formal a law or decision that is retroactive is effective from a particular date in the past = ↑retrospective ▪ a retroactive pay increase retroactive to ▪ The legislation is retroactive to 1st June.… … Dictionary of contemporary English
retroactive — adjective formal a law or decision that is retroactive is effective from a particular date in the past: a retroactive pay increase see also: retrospective 1 retroactively adverb … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Retroactive overtime — (ROT) is an additional amount of money that is awarded to an employee when the employee has a combination of overtime and an additional amount of money, such as a commission or a bonus that is guaranteed based upon work requirements. Overtime is… … Wikipedia
retroactive — ret‧ro‧ac‧tive [ˌretrəʊˈæktɪv◂ ǁ troʊ ] adjective formal LAW a law or decision that is retroactive is effective from a particular date in the past; = RETROSPECTIVE: retroactive to • The company said it will adopt the new accounting method… … Financial and business terms
pay — I n. 1) to draw, receive pay 2) back; equal; incentive; mustering out (mil.); overtime; severance (AE; BE has redundancy payment); retroactive; sick; strike; take home pay 3) pay for (equal pay for equal work) 4) in smb. s pay (he was in the pay… … Combinatory dictionary
retroactive — retroactively, adv. retroactivity, n. /re troh ak tiv/, adj. 1. operative with respect to past occurrences, as a statute; retrospective: a retroactive law. 2. pertaining to a pay raise effective as of a past date. [1605 15; RETRO + ACTIVE] * * * … Universalium
retroactive — ret•ro•ac•tive [[t]ˌrɛ troʊˈæk tɪv[/t]] adj. 1) operative with respect to past occurrences, as a statute 2) (of a pay raise) effective as of a past date • Etymology: 1605–15 ret ro•ac′tive•ly, adv. ret ro•ac•tiv′i•ty, n … From formal English to slang
Equal pay for women — is an issue regarding pay inequality between men and women. It is often introduced into domestic politics in many first world countries as an economic problem that needs governmental intervention via regulation. The Equal Remuneration Convention… … Wikipedia
back pay — n. The difference between the wages received for a period of work and retroactive higher wages granted by a court. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 … Law dictionary
back pay — retrospective remuneration, retroactive payment … English contemporary dictionary