Смотреть что такое "retraxit" в других словарях:
Retraxit — Re*trax it, n. [L., (he) has withdrawn. See {Retract}.] (O. Eng. Law) The withdrawing, or open renunciation, of a suit in court by the plaintiff, by which he forever lost his right of action. Blackstone. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
retraxit — re·trax·it /ri trak sit/ n [Latin, he/she has withdrawn]: the withdrawing of a suit in court by the plaintiff that results in a dismissal with prejudice Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
retraxit — /ratraeksat/ He has withdrawn. A retraxit is a voluntary renunciation by plaintiff in open court of his suit and cause thereof, and by it plaintiff forever loses his action. Virginia Concrete Co. v. Board of Sup rs of Fairfax County, 197 Va. 821 … Black's law dictionary
retraxit — An open and voluntary renunciation of his suit made by plaintiff in open court, being the act of the plaintiff, performable by counsel only under special authority. 24 Am J2d Dism § 3. A voluntary renunciation by the plaintiff in open court of… … Ballentine's law dictionary
retraxit — re·trax·it … English syllables
retraxit — rə̇.ˈtraksə̇t noun ( s) Etymology: Latin, he has withdrawn : the withdrawing of a suit in court by the plaintiff personally by which he loses his right of action … Useful english dictionary
judgment in retraxit — /jajmant in ratraeksst/ A judgment which is usually based upon and follows a settlement out of court, and like a judgment on the merits is a bar and estops plaintiff from again proceeding in another suit on same cause of action. Steele v. Beaty,… … Black's law dictionary
judgment in retraxit — /jajmant in ratraeksst/ A judgment which is usually based upon and follows a settlement out of court, and like a judgment on the merits is a bar and estops plaintiff from again proceeding in another suit on same cause of action. Steele v. Beaty,… … Black's law dictionary
judgment of retraxit — A judgment rendered against a plaintiff who has withdrawn his action. See retraxit … Ballentine's law dictionary
ALCIBIADES — Imperator Atheniensis fuit, summô locô natus, naturaeque et ingenii donis excellentibus exornatus: rursus vero omni vitiorum genere deformatus; nisi quantum eum ab illis retraxit disciplina Socratis, cui se erudiendum tradidit. Vitam eius prolixe … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
CAROLUS I — I. CAROLUS I. Gonzaga, Mantuae Dux. II. CAROLUS I. cognomine Martellus, fil. Caroli Claudi, Neapolitan. et Siciliae Regis natus est A. C. 1272. coronam Hungariae A. C. 1290. nactus, ex Maria, nepos Stephani V. et Ladislai IV. Andream cognomine… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale