
rɪˈtreɪs гл.
1) прослеживать ход развития, восстанавливать прошлые этапы to retrace the etymologyпроследить этимологию We retraced our financial system to its commencement. ≈ Мы проследили нашу финансовую систему с момента ее возникновения.
2) прям. и перен. проходить обратно по пройденному пути to retrace one's stepsвозвращаться по своим следам to retrace oneself through one's past lifeмысленно восстанавливать свою прежнюю жизнь He retraceed in his mind his actions this day. ≈ Он восстановил в памяти свои действия в тот день. возвращаться (по пройденному пути) - to * one's steps вернуться той же дорогой - to * one's course (морское) лечь на обратный курс, идти обратным курсом восстанавливать, воссоздавать в памяти - we *d the details of our trip мы вспоминали все подробности нашего путешествия проследить (процесс развития) - to * the etymology установить /проследить/ этимологию - to * the history of the case проследить всю историю дела retrace возвращаться (по пройденному пути) ;
to retrace one's steps вернуться ~ восстанавливать в памяти ~ проследить (процесс в развитии) retrace возвращаться (по пройденному пути) ;
to retrace one's steps вернуться

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "retrace" в других словарях:

  • Retrace — Re*trace , v. t. [Pref. re + trace: cf. F. retracer. Cf. {Retract}.] 1. To trace back, as a line. [1913 Webster] Then if the line of Turnus you retrace, He springs from Inachus of Argive race. Driden. [1913 Webster] 2. To go back, in or over (a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • retracé — retracé, ée (re tra sé, sée) part. passé de retracer. Dont on renouvelle la mémoire. •   Sion.... Puissé je demeurer sans voix, Si dans mes chants ta douleur retracée Jusqu au dernier soupir n occupe ma pensée !, RAC. Esth. II, 2. •   Retracerai… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • retrace — [ri trās′] vt. retraced, retracing [Fr retracer: see RE & TRACE1] 1. to go back over again, esp. in the reverse direction [to retrace one s steps] 2. to trace again the story of, from the beginning 3. to go over again visually o …   English World dictionary

  • retrace — I verb copy, go over again, recall, reexamine, regress, reminisce, repeat, return, revert, review, think back upon, trace back, turn back II index copy, recall (remember), reexamine, repeat ( …   Law dictionary

  • retrace — (v.) 1690s, from Fr. retracer to trace again, from M.Fr. retracier, from re again (see RE (Cf. re )) + tracier to trace (see TRACE (Cf. trace)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • retrace — The part of a rural route traversed twice by the rural carrier. To travel past the part of the route already served …   Glossary of postal terms

  • retracé — Retracé, [retrac]ée. part …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • retrace — ► VERB 1) go back over (the same route that one has just taken). 2) discover and follow (a route or course taken by someone else). 3) trace (something) back to its source or beginning …   English terms dictionary

  • retrace — UK [rɪˈtreɪs] / US [ˌrɪˈtreɪs] verb [transitive] Word forms retrace : present tense I/you/we/they retrace he/she/it retraces present participle retracing past tense retraced past participle retraced 1) a) to return along the same path or route… …   English dictionary

  • retrace — re|trace [rıˈtreıs, ri: ] v [T] 1.) retrace your steps/path/route etc to go back exactly the way you have come ▪ After a few minutes, he turned around and began to retrace his steps. 2.) to repeat exactly the same journey that someone else has… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • retrace — verb (T) 1 to go back the way you have come: retrace your steps: After about fifty paces, he turned around and began to retrace his steps. 2 to repeat exactly the same journey that someone else has made: We shall be retracing the route taken by… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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