- retimber
- гл. горн. перекреплять (горное) перекреплять
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
retimber — re·timber … English syllables
retimber — (ˈ)rē+ transitive verb Etymology: re + timber : to furnish with new timber : to plant with timber again … Useful english dictionary
History of the United States (1865–1918) — The history of the United States (1865–1918) covers Reconstruction and the rise of industrialization in the United States.At the conclusion of the Civil War, the United States remained bitterly divided. Reconstruction and its failure left the… … Wikipedia
bed — Synonyms and related words: Colonial bed, Hollywood bed, Japanese garden, a world without end bargain, accommodation, accommodations, alliance, alpine garden, aqueduct, arboretum, arroyo, band, base, basement, basin, basis, bassinet, bearing wall … Moby Thesaurus
broadcast — Synonyms and related words: accessible, advertise, advertisement, affirmed, air, airing, announce, announced, announcement, annunciate, attenuation, bandying, beam, bed, bestrew, blazon, book, broadcasting, brought to notice, bruit about,… … Moby Thesaurus
dibble — Synonyms and related words: angle, bait the hook, bed, bob, broadcast, clam, dap, dib, disseminate, drill, drive, fish, fly fish, forest, gig, go fishing, grig, guddle, implant, inseminate, jack, jacklight, jig, net, plant, pot, put in, reforest … Moby Thesaurus
disseminate — Synonyms and related words: advertise, announce, annunciate, assign, bed, bestrew, blazon, broadcast, carry over, circulate, circumfuse, communicate, consign, convey, deal out, deliver, deport, dibble, diffract, diffuse, dispense, disperse,… … Moby Thesaurus
drill — Synonyms and related words: SOP, accustom, aculeus, acumination, application, apprentice, apprenticeship, athletics, auger, basic training, bed, bit, bite, bone, boning, bore, bore bit, borer, brace and bit, brainwork, break, break in, breaking,… … Moby Thesaurus
forest — Synonyms and related words: afforestation, afforestational, arboreous, arboretum, back country, backwoods, bed, boondock, boondocks, borderland, bosky, braky, broadcast, brush, bush, bush country, bushveld, bushy, chase, climax forest, cloud… … Moby Thesaurus
implant — Synonyms and related words: beat into, bed, brainwash, broadcast, bud, catechize, condition, confirm, deep dye, define, dibble, disseminate, drag in, drill, edge in, embed, engraft, engrave, entrench, establish, etch, fit in, fix, foist in,… … Moby Thesaurus
inseminate — Synonyms and related words: bed, broadcast, cross fertilize, cross pollen, cross pollinate, cross pollinize, dibble, disseminate, drill, fecundify, fertilize, forest, fructify, get with child, get with young, implant, impregnate, inculcate, infix … Moby Thesaurus