result in a loss

result in a loss
приводить к ущербу

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "result in a loss" в других словарях:

  • result — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 outcome/effect ADJECTIVE ▪ beneficial, encouraging, favourable/favorable, good, positive ▪ the beneficial results of the reforms to the economy ▪ For best …   Collocations dictionary

  • result —    1. British    a victory    The jargon of soccer managers and others. If a team is matched against a stronger side, a draw may also qualify as a result, but a loss never is, even when it is. Some figurative use of any favourable outcome:    … …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • loss — n 1: physical, emotional, or esp. economic harm or damage sustained: as a: decrease in value, capital, or amount compare gain b: an amount by which the cost of something (as goods or services) exceeds the selling price compare …   Law dictionary

  • Loss given default (LGD) — Loss Given Default or LGD is a common parameter in Risk Models and also a parameter used in the calculation of Economic Capital or Regulatory Capital under Basel II for a banking institution. This is an attribute of any exposure on bank s… …   Wikipedia

  • Loss of chance in English law — refers to a particular problem of causation, which arises in tort and contract. The law is invited to assess hypothetical outcomes, either affecting the claimant or a third party, where the defendant s breach of contract or of the duty of care… …   Wikipedia

  • Loss — may refer to:*A negative difference between retail price and cost of production *An event in which the team or individual in question did not win. *Loss (baseball), a pitching statistic in baseball *Attenuation, a reduction in amplitude and… …   Wikipedia

  • Loss of significance — is an undesirable effect in calculations using floating point arithmetic. It occurs when an operation on two numbers increases relative error substantially more than it increases absolute error, for example in subtracting two large and nearly… …   Wikipedia

  • result — ► NOUN 1) a consequence, effect, or outcome. 2) an item of information or a quantity or formula obtained by experiment or calculation. 3) a final score, mark, or placing in a sporting event or examination. 4) a satisfactory or favourable outcome …   English terms dictionary

  • loss of earnings — UK US noun [U] ► a situation in which a person or company makes less money than expected as a result of an unexpected event: »He is putting together a £1.3m lawsuit for loss of earnings, on the basis he was unfairly dismissed. »Responsibility for …   Financial and business terms

  • Result — A result is the final consequence of a sequence of actions or events (broadly incidents and accidents) expressed qualitatively or quantitatively, being a loss, injury, disadvantage, advantage, gain, victory or simply a value. There may be a range …   Wikipedia

  • loss — The opposite of gain. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * loss loss [lɒs ǁ lɒːs] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] the fact of no longer having something that you used to have, or having less of it: • loss of earnings through illness ˈjob loss… …   Financial and business terms

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