restrictive trade practice

restrictive trade practice
(экономика) нарушение свободы конкуренции

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "restrictive trade practice" в других словарях:

  • restrictive trade practice — noun an agreement between trading companies which is contrary to the public interest, as resale price maintenance, exclusive dealing, price discrimination, etc …  

  • restrictive practice — UK US noun [C] UK ► [often plural] HR, WORKPLACE a limit placed by a trade union on the types of work that its members can do: »The union has imposed restrictive practices and is inflexible in its demands. ► (also restrictive trade practice, also …   Financial and business terms

  • restrictive practice — /rəstrɪktɪv ˈpræktəs / (say ruhstriktiv praktuhs) noun 1. a practice on the part of the members of an association such as a trade union, tending to limit the freedom of choice of their coworkers or employers. 2. → restrictive trade practice …  

  • restrictive — re‧stric‧tive [rɪˈstrɪktɪv] adjective 1. greatly limiting or controlling what is allowed to happen: • The rest of Europe kept interest rates high to match the Bundesbank s restrictive monetary policies. • Environmentalists have drafted another… …   Financial and business terms

  • restrictive practice — noun 1. A trade practice that is against the public interest, such as an agreement to sell only to certain buyers, or to keep up resale prices 2. Used also of certain trade union practices, such as the closed shop, demarcation, working to rule,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Restrictive practices — A term used in antitrust law that includes such conduct as price fixing, market sharing, monopolizing, or attempting to monopolize markets.ReferencesThe Term Restrictive Trade Practic as defined under Section 2(o) means a trade practice which has …   Wikipedia

  • restrictive practice — restrictive practices N COUNT: usu pl Restrictive practices are ways in which people involved in an industry, trade, or profession protect their own interests, rather than having a system which is fair to the public, employers, and other workers …   English dictionary

  • restrictive practice — ► NOUN Brit. 1) an arrangement by a group of workers to limit output or restrict the entry of new workers in order to protect their own interests. 2) an arrangement in industry or trade that restricts or controls competition between firms …   English terms dictionary

  • Trade and crafts code of Germany — Articles 3 paragraph 1,(c), 14 and 43 55 of the EC Treaty (Freedom of establishment, freedom to provide services and mutual recognition of diplomas) The EC Treaty lays down the principle that the self employed (whether working in commercial,… …   Wikipedia

  • practice — / præktɪs/ noun a way of doing things, a custom or habit ● His practice was to arrive at work at 7.30 and start counting the cash. ♦ restrictive practices ways of working which make people less free (such as when trade unions stop workers from… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • restrictive practice — noun Brit. 1》 an arrangement by a group of workers to limit output or restrict the entry of new workers in order to protect their own interests. 2》 an arrangement in industry or trade that restricts or controls competition between firms …   English new terms dictionary

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