restricted case

restricted case
мат. ограниченный случай

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "restricted case" в других словарях:

  • Restricted representation — In mathematics, restriction is a fundamental construction in representation theory of groups. Restriction forms a representation of a subgroup from a representation of the whole group. Often the restricted representation is simpler to understand …   Wikipedia

  • Restricted randomization — Many processes have more than one source of variation in them. In order to reduce variation in processes, these multiple sources must be understood, and that often leads to the concept of nested or hierarchical data structures. For example, in… …   Wikipedia

  • Case Closed: The Private Eyes' Requiem — Detective Conan: The Private Eyes Requiem Directed by Yasuichiro Yamamoto Written by Hiroshi Kashiwabara …   Wikipedia

  • Restricted free agent — In the National Football League, a restricted free agent (RFA) is one with three accrued seasons of service, who has received a qualifying offer (a salary level predetermined by the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the league and its… …   Wikipedia

  • Use case — A use case is a description of a system’s behaviour as it responds to a request that originates from outside of that system.The use case technique is used in software and systems engineering to capture the functional requirements of a system. Use …   Wikipedia

  • Genitive case — In grammar, the genitive case or possessive case (also called the second case ) is the case that marks a noun as modifying another noun. It often marks a noun as being the possessor of another noun but it can also indicate various relationships… …   Wikipedia

  • Roman Polanski sexual abuse case — In March 1977, film director Roman Polanski was arrested and charged with a number of offenses against Samantha Geimer, a 13 year old girl[1] – rape by use of drugs, perversion, sodomy, lewd and lascivious act upon a child under 14, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Nested case-control study — A nested case control study is a variation of a case cohort study in which only a subset of controls from the cohort are compared to the incident cases. In a case cohort study, all incident cases in the cohort are compared to a random subset of… …   Wikipedia

  • United States Microsoft antitrust case — United States v. Microsoft There were many civil actions taking place in May 18, 1998. Bundling them together is alleged to have been responsible for Microsoft s victory in the browser wars as every Windows user had a copy of Internet Explorer.… …   Wikipedia

  • Shah Bano case — The Shah Bano case is an infamous divorce lawsuit in India and has generated political controversy in the country. It is sometimes described as an example of appeasement of the vote bank for political gains. This case caused the Rajiv Gandhi… …   Wikipedia

  • Green Bicycle Case — The Green Bicycle Case involved the killing of a young woman named Bella Wright in Little Stretton, near Leicester, England on 5 July 1919. Wright was shot in the head; according to reports at the time, a raven was also found dead at the scene.… …   Wikipedia

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