
rɪsˈtrɪktɪd прил. ограниченный, узкий restricted application ≈ узкое применение restricted (publication) ≈ (издание) для служебного пользования restricted hotel ≈ гостиница для ограниченного круга лиц, часто только для белых Syn : narrow, tight узкий, ограниченный - * diet строгая диета - * application узкое применение - * article специальный груз (перевозка которого требует особых условий) - * front (военное) узкий участок фронта - * war (военное) ограниченная война - the decision had a * effect решение было малоэффективно /сыграло ограниченную роль/ предназначенный для узкого круга, преим. для элиты - a * neighbourhood фешенебельный жилой район - * hotel гостиница для ограниченного круга лиц, часто только для белых конфиденциальный (о переписке и т. п.) ;
для служебного пользования - * publication издание с грифом "конфиденциально" /"не подлежит оглашению", "для служебного пользования"/ restricted p. p. от restrict ~ док. для служебного пользования ~ ограниченный ~ сведенный к пределам ~ связанный ~ стесненный ~ узкий, ограниченный;
a restricted application узкое применение;
restricted (publication) (издание) для служебного пользования ~ узкий, ограниченный;
a restricted application узкое применение;
restricted (publication) (издание) для служебного пользования ~ узкий ~ узкий, ограниченный;
a restricted application узкое применение;
restricted (publication) (издание) для служебного пользования ~ hotel гостиница для ограниченного круга лиц, часто только для белых

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "restricted" в других словарях:

  • restricted — re·strict·ed adj: subject or subjected to restriction a restricted area restricted use Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. restricted …   Law dictionary

  • restricted — (adj.) limited, 1830, pp. adjective from RESTRICT (Cf. restrict); of documents, etc., secret, not for public release it is recorded from 1944. In U.S., restricted was a euphemism for off limits to Jews (1947). Manager: I m sorry, Mr. Marx, but we …   Etymology dictionary

  • restricted — ► ADJECTIVE 1) limited in extent, number, or scope. 2) not revealed or made open to the public for reasons of national security …   English terms dictionary

  • restricted — [ri strik′tid] adj. limited; confined; specif., ☆ a) limited to authorized personnel: said of documents, data, etc. ☆ b) excluding a certain group or groups; esp., limited to white gentiles restrictedly adv …   English World dictionary

  • restricted — Placed on a list that dictates that the trader may not maintain positions, solicit business, or provide indications in a stock, but may serve as broker in agency trade after being properly cleared. Traders are so restricted due to investment bank …   Financial and business terms

  • restricted — re|strict|ed [rıˈstrıktıd] adj 1.) small or limited in size, area, or amount ▪ It s difficult trying to work in such a restricted space. 2.) limited or controlled, especially by laws or rules ▪ Press freedom is severely restricted. restricted to… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • restricted — re|strict|ed [ rı strıktəd ] adjective * 1. ) intended only for people who have been given special permission: The officers were caught photographing in a restricted military zone. restricted area/waters/airspace: This is a restricted area. a )… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • restricted — [[t]rɪstrɪ̱ktɪd[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED Something that is restricted is quite small or limited. ...the monotony of a heavily restricted diet... Plants, like animals, often have restricted habitats. 2) ADJ: v link ADJ to n If something is restricted to …   English dictionary

  • restricted — adjective 1 small or limited in size, area, or amount: It s difficult trying to work in such a restricted space. 2 limited or controlled, especially by laws or rules: Press freedom is severely restricted. (+ to): The sale of alcohol is restricted …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • restricted */ — UK [rɪˈstrɪktɪd] / US [rɪˈstrɪktəd] adjective 1) a) intended only for people who have been given special permission The officers were caught photographing in a restricted military zone. This is a restricted area. b) only for the use of or only… …   English dictionary

  • restricted — adj. VERBS ▪ be ▪ become ▪ The US may become more restricted in its use of economic sanctions. ▪ feel ▪ She felt restricted in her uniform …   Collocations dictionary

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