Смотреть что такое "restiform" в других словарях:
restiform — [res′tə fôrm΄] adj. 〚ModL restiformis < L restis, rope (for IE base see RUSH2) + formis, FORM〛 ropelike or cordlike; specif., designating either of two cordlike bundles of nerve fibers (restiform bodies) connecting the medulla oblongata with each … Universalium
restiform — [res′tə fôrm΄] adj. [ModL restiformis < L restis, rope (for IE base see RUSH2) + formis, FORM] ropelike or cordlike; specif., designating either of two cordlike bundles of nerve fibers (restiform bodies) connecting the medulla oblongata with… … English World dictionary
Restiform — Res ti*form (r?s t?*f?rm), a.[L. restis rope + form.] (Anat.) Formed like a rope; applied especially to several ropelike bundles or masses of fibers on the dorsal side of the medulla oblongata. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
restiform — /resˈti förm/ adjective Cordlike ORIGIN: L restis a cord, and fōrma form … Useful english dictionary
restiform body — ˈrestəˌfȯrm noun Etymology: Latin restis rope, cord + English form more at rush : either of a pair of prominent bands of nerve fibers on the dorsal surface of the medulla oblongata that form part of the lateral boundaries of the fourth ventricle … Useful english dictionary
restiform body — /res teuh fawrm /, Anat. a cordlike bundle of nerve fibers lying on each side of the medulla oblongata and connecting it with the cerebellum. [1825 35; restiform < NL restiformis, equiv. to L resti , comb. form of restis rope + formis FORM] * * * … Universalium
restiform bodies — /ˈrɛstəfɔm ˌbɒdiz/ (say restuhfawm .bodeez) plural noun a pair of cordlike bundles of nerve fibres lying one on each side of the medulla oblongata and connecting it with the cerebellum. {restiform from New Latin restiformis, from Latin resti(s)… …
restiform — adj. [L. restis, rope; forma, form] Shaped like a rope or cord; prominent cordlike masses … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
restiform — Ropelike; rope shaped; referring to the r. body, the larger (lateral) part of the inferior cerebellar peduncle; contains fibers from the spinal cord (spinocerebellar) and medulla (cuneo , olivo , reticulocerebellar, etc.) to cerebellum. [L.… … Medical dictionary
restiform — shaped like a cord Shapes and Resemblance … Phrontistery dictionary
restiform — adj. resembling a cord, cord like (Anatomy) … English contemporary dictionary