rest on one's laurels
Смотреть что такое "rest on one's laurels" в других словарях:
rest on one's laurels — {v. phr.} To be satisfied with the success you have already won; stop trying to win new honors. * /Getting an A in chemistry almost caused Mike to rest on his laurels./ … Dictionary of American idioms
rest on one's laurels — {v. phr.} To be satisfied with the success you have already won; stop trying to win new honors. * /Getting an A in chemistry almost caused Mike to rest on his laurels./ … Dictionary of American idioms
rest on one's laurels — (sometimes as a criticism) to be content with one s past successes and the honour they bring, without attempting any further achievements • • • Main Entry: ↑laurel * * * I be so satisfied with what one has already achieved that one makes no… … Useful english dictionary
rest on one's laurels — ► rest on one s laurels be so satisfied with what one has already achieved that one makes no further effort. Main Entry: ↑laurel … English terms dictionary
rest on one's laurels — idi rest on one s laurels, to cease to strive for further successes or accolades … From formal English to slang
to rest on one's laurels — laurels lau rels, n. pl. An honor or honors conferred for some notable achievement. [PJC] {to rest on one s laurels} [fig.] to be content with one s past achievements and not strive to continue to excel; as, he didn t rest on his laurels after… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rest on one's laurels — be satisfied with the success one has already won He is always willing to work hard and is not the type of person to rest on his laurels … Idioms and examples
rest\ on\ one's\ laurels — v. phr. To be satisfied with the success you have already won; stop trying to win new honors. Getting an a in chemistry almost caused Mike to rest on his laurels … Словарь американских идиом
rest on one's laurels — be so satisfied with what one has already achieved that one makes no further effort. → laurel … English new terms dictionary
rest on one's laurels — verb To rely on a past success instead of trying to improve oneself further … Wiktionary
rest on one's laurels — sit idly, do nothing … English contemporary dictionary