Смотреть что такое "responsory" в других словарях:
Responsory — Re*spon so*ry (r?*sp?n s?*r?), a. Containing or making answer; answering. Johnson. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Responsory — Re*spon so*ry, n.; pl. { ries} ( r?z). [LL. responsorium.] 1. (Eccl.) (a) The answer of the people to the priest in alternate speaking, in church service. (b) A versicle sung in answer to the priest, or as a refrain. [1913 Webster] Which, if… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
responsory — [ri spän′sə rē] n. pl. responsories [ME responsorye < ML(Ec) responsorium, response (in worship)] Eccles. a responsive verse or set of verses, esp. from the Psalms, used as in the Divine Office … English World dictionary
Responsory — A responsory or respond is a type of chant in western Christian liturgies. Contents 1 Definition 2 Structure and performance 3 Music 4 Notes … Wikipedia
responsory — /ri spon seuh ree/, n., pl. responsories. Eccles. an anthem sung after a lection by a soloist and choir alternately. [1375 1425; late ME < LL responsorium, equiv. to L respond(ere) to RESPOND + torium TORY2, with dt > s] * * * ▪ vocal music also… … Universalium
Responsory — This category of chant was first defined by Isidore of Seville (c. 559–636): Responsories are so called because a chorus responds in consonance to a soloist (New Grove, 15: 759). Responsories were sung especially at matins, where they take on… … Historical dictionary of sacred music
responsory — noun (plural ries) Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin responsorium, from Latin respondēre Date: 15th century a set of versicles and responses sung or said after or during a lection … New Collegiate Dictionary
responsory — noun A chant or anthem recited after a reading in a church service … Wiktionary
responsory — set of responses sung or said after liturgical reading Ecclesiastical Terms … Phrontistery dictionary
responsory — [rɪ spɒns(ə)ri] noun (plural responsories) (in the Christian Church) an anthem said or sung by a soloist and choir after a lesson … English new terms dictionary
responsory — n. (Mus.) Antiphonary … New dictionary of synonyms