
rɪsˈpɔnsɪv прил.
1) ответный Syn : reciprocal
2) отзывчивый, чуткий;
поддающийся (влиянию и т.д.) Ex There is no living being to feel responsive to his feelings. ≈ Не было ни одного живого существа, которое не откликалось бы на его чувства. чуткий;
быстро реагирующий, откликающийся (на призывы и т. п.) ;
поддающийся (влияниям, усилиям) - to be quickly * to external influences легко поддаваться посторонним влияниям - to be * to the wishes of smb. считаться с чьими-л. желаниями - they are * to affection они чутко реагируют /сразу отзываются/ на ласку - I did not find them very * when I talked about it когда я им об этом рассказал, они отнеслись к этому довольно равнодушно (физиологическое) реактивный, способный к реакции чувствительный (о приборе) responsive легко реагирующий;
отзывчивый, чуткий ~ ответный

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "responsive" в других словарях:

  • responsive — re‧spon‧sive [rɪˈspɒnsɪv ǁ rɪˈspɑːn ] adjective if a company, organization etc is responsive, it is ready to react in a useful or helpful way to problems, complaints, market changes etc: responsive to • Companies have become more responsive to… …   Financial and business terms

  • responsive — I adjective accessible, active, acute, admissive, alert, alive, answering, communicative, discerning, keen, perceptive, prudent, reacting, reactive, receptive, reciprocative, rejoining, replying, respondent, sensible, sensitive, sentient, sharp,… …   Law dictionary

  • responsive — [ri spän′siv] adj. [< Fr or LL: Fr responsif < LL responsivus] 1. that gives or serves as an answer or response 2. reacting easily or readily to suggestion or appeal [a responsive audience] 3. containing or consisting of responses… …   English World dictionary

  • Responsive — Re*spon sive ( s?v), a. [Cf. F. resposif.] 1. That responds; ready or inclined to respond. [1913 Webster] 2. Suited to something else; correspondent. [1913 Webster] The vocal lay responsive to the strings. Pope. [1913 Webster] 3. Responsible.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • responsive — 1520s, “making answer,” from Fr. responsif or directly from L.L. responsivus, from L. respons , pp. stem of respondere (see RESPOND (Cf. respond)). Meaning “responding to influence or action” is from 1762. Related: Responsively;… …   Etymology dictionary

  • responsive — 1 *sentient, sensitive, impressible, impressionable, susceptible Analogous words: answering, responding, replying (see ANSWER vb): reacting, acting, behaving (see ACT vb) Antonyms: impassive 2 sympathetic, warm, warmhearted, compassionate,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • responsive — [adj] quick to react acknowledging, active, alive, answering, awake, aware, compassionate, conscious, forthcoming, impressionable, influenceable, kindhearted, open, passionate, perceptive, persuadable, reactive, receptive, replying, respondent,… …   New thesaurus

  • responsive — ► ADJECTIVE 1) responding readily and positively. 2) in response; answering. DERIVATIVES responsively adverb responsiveness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • responsive — [[t]rɪspɒ̱nsɪv[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED A responsive person is quick to react to people or events and to show emotions such as pleasure and affection. Harriet was an easy, responsive little girl... This is a responsive class with plenty of ideas...… …   English dictionary

  • responsive — re|spon|sive [ rı spansıv ] adjective 1. ) quick to react in the way that is needed, appropriate, or right for a particular situation: This car s steering is extremely responsive. responsive to: The employer was quite responsive to our safety… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • responsive — re|spon|sive [rıˈspɔnsıv US rıˈspa:n ] adj 1.) reacting quickly, in a positive way ▪ a car with highly responsive steering responsive to ▪ We try to be responsive to the needs of the customer. ▪ Her condition is not responsive to drug therapy.… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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