response to
Смотреть что такое "response to" в других словарях:
response — re‧sponse [rɪˈspɒns ǁ rɪˈspɑːns] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] something done as a reaction to something that has happened: • The company s difficulties have touched off widely differing responses among its five largest shareholders. response… … Financial and business terms
response — Response, Responsum, Responsio. Response doubteuse, Responsum medium. Avoir response, Responsum ferre. Bailler response, Responsum dare. Donner response sur le champ, In numerato habere responsum. Faire response, Dare responsum. Rapporter… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Response — steht für: Response, das Verhalten eines Menschen infolge von aufgenommenen Reizen, siehe Reiz Reaktions Modell Response, die Reibung der Schnur an der Innenseite eines Yo Yos Response (Judentum), rechtliche Anfragen an eine jüdische halachische… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Response — Re*sponse (r?*sp?ns ), n. [OF. response, respons, F. r[ e]ponse, from L. responsum, from respondere. See {Respond}.] 1. The act of responding. [1913 Webster] 2. An answer or reply. Specifically: (a) Reply to an objection in formal disputation. I … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
response — I noun acknowledgment, answer, antiphon, countercharge, counterstatement, explanation, plea, reaction, rebuttal, rejoinder, replication, reply, respondence, responsal, retort, return, riposte, surrebutter, surrejoinder II index acknowledgment… … Law dictionary
response — Response. s. f. Ce qu on respond. Bonne, pertinente réponse. réponse positive, precise. réponse favorable, sotte, impertinente, ridicule. méchante réponse. cette réponse ne satisfait pas. cette réponse est categorique, n est pas categorique.… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
response — c.1300, from L. responsum answer, prop. neut. pp. of respondere to respond (see RESPOND (Cf. respond)) … Etymology dictionary
response — answer, reply, rejoinder, retort (see under ANSWER vb 1) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
response — [n] answer, reaction acknowledgment, antiphon, back talk*, comeback, counter, double take*, echo, feedback, hit, kickback*, knee jerk reaction*, lip*, rejoinder, reply, respond, retort, return, reverberation, riposte, sass*, snappy comeback*,… … New thesaurus
response — ► NOUN 1) an instance of responding; an answer or reaction. 2) an excitation of a nerve impulse caused by a change or event … English terms dictionary
response — [ri späns′] n. [ME respounse < ML respons < L responsum, neut. of responsus, pp. of respondere: see RESPOND] 1. something said or done in answer; reply or reaction 2. Eccles. a) a word or words used in replying to or affirming a prayer,… … English World dictionary