- resource reservation
- резервирование ресурсов (сети и хостов для обеспечения качества сервиса (QoS) для приложений)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Resource Reservation Protocol — (ou RSVP) est un protocole permettant de réserver des ressources dans un réseau informatique. Liens externes (en) RFC 2205 Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) Version 1 Functional Specification (en) RFC 2210 The Use of RSVP with IETF Integra … Wikipédia en Français
Resource Reservation Protocol — Resource Reservation Protocol, RSVP … Universal-Lexikon
Resource reservation protocol — The Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP), described in RFC 2205, is a Transport layer protocol designed to reserve resources across a network for an integrated services Internet. RSVP does not transport application data but is rather an Internet… … Wikipedia
Resource Reservation Protocol — RSVP (Resource Reservation Protocol) Familie: Internetprotokollfamilie Einsatzgebiet: Signalisierungsprotokoll im Internetprotokollstapel RSVP im TCP/IP Protokollstapel Anwendungsschicht FTP SMTP DNS … … Deutsch Wikipedia
Resource reservation protocol — … Википедия
Resource Reservation Protocol — … Википедия
Resource Reservation Setup Protocol — protocol that is currently under development and will enable Internet users to reserve Internet channels for high bandwidth broadcasts and transmissions, RSVP (Internet) … English contemporary dictionary
Resource Reservation Protocol — Abbreviated RSVP. An Internet protocol designedtodeliverdataontimeandintheright order over TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) networks. RSVP is a control and signaling protocol, not a routing protocol, and it works by… … Dictionary of networking
Reservation ALOHA — (R ALOHA) is a Multiple Access schema for wireless transmission which allows uncoordinated users to share a common transmission resource. Reservation ALOHA (and it s parent schema, Slotted ALOHA) is a schema or rule set for the division of… … Wikipedia
Reservation des blocs d'adresses IP — Registre Internet régional Répartition géographique des différents registres Un registre Internet régional (RIR, de l anglais Regional Internet Registry) est un organisme qui alloue les blocs d adresses IP (adressage IPv4 et IPv6) dans sa zone… … Wikipédia en Français
Réservation des blocs d'adresses IP — Registre Internet régional Répartition géographique des différents registres Un registre Internet régional (RIR, de l anglais Regional Internet Registry) est un organisme qui alloue les blocs d adresses IP (adressage IPv4 et IPv6) dans sa zone… … Wikipédia en Français