Смотреть что такое "resonate" в других словарях:
resonate — which means literally ‘to be resonant’, i.e. to have a clear deep ringing sound, has acquired vogue status in the figurative sense ‘to find agreement (with)’ (typically of an emotional rather than intellectual kind). This meaning originated in… … Modern English usage
resonate — (v.) 1873, from L. resonatum, pp. of resonare (see RESONANCE (Cf. resonance)). Literal at first; fig. sense, of feelings, emotions, etc., by 1978. Related: Resonated; resonating … Etymology dictionary
resonate — [v] resound echo, oscillate, reproduce, reverberate, ring, sound, vibrate; concepts 65,91,171 … New thesaurus
resonate — ► VERB 1) be resonant. 2) chiefly US (of an idea or action) meet with someone s agreement. DERIVATIVES resonator noun … English terms dictionary
resonate — [rez′ənāt΄] vi. resonated, resonating [< L resonatus, pp. of resonare: see RESONANT] 1. to be resonant 2. to produce resonance vt. to make resonant … English World dictionary
resonate — UK [ˈrezəneɪt] / US [ˈrezəˌneɪt] verb Word forms resonate : present tense I/you/we/they resonate he/she/it resonates present participle resonating past tense resonated past participle resonated 1) [intransitive/transitive] to produce an emotional … English dictionary
resonate — res|o|nate [ˈrezəneıt] v [Date: 1800 1900; : Latin; Origin: , past participle of resonare; RESOUND] 1.) if something such as an event or a message resonates, it seems important or good to people, or continues to do this resonate with ▪ an idea… … Dictionary of contemporary English
resonate — res|o|nate [ rezə,neıt ] verb 1. ) intransitive to produce or be filled with a deep clear sound that continues for a long time: The vibrations of the gong resonated through the temple. resonate with: The hall resonated with music. 2. )… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
resonate — verb ( nated; nating) Date: 1873 intransitive verb 1. to produce or exhibit resonance 2. to respond as if by resonance < resonate to the music >; also to have a repetitive pattern that resembles resonance 3. to relate harmoniously ; strike a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
resonate — verb a) To vibrate or sound, especially in response to another vibration. The books on top of the piano resonate when he plays certain notes. b) To have an effect or impact; to influence; to … Wiktionary
resonate — verb Resonate is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑voice, ↑word … Collocations dictionary