resolution of vector
Смотреть что такое "resolution of vector" в других словарях:
Vector Map — The Vector Map (VMAP), also called Vector Smart Map, is a vector based collection of Geographic information system (GIS) data about Earth at various levels of detail. Level 0 (low resolution) coverage is global and entirely in the public domain.… … Wikipedia
Vector graphics — This article is about computer illustration. For other uses, see Vector graphics (disambiguation). Example showing effect of vector graphics versus raster graphics. The original vector based illustration is at the left. The upper right image… … Wikipedia
Vector-based graphical user interface — A vector based graphical user interface is a mostly jpeg conceptual type of graphical user interface where elements are drawn using vector, rather than raster information.Pros and ConsThe benefits of a completely vector based graphical user… … Wikipedia
Vector magnetograph — A vector magnetograph is a type of imaging telescope that can estimate the 3 D vector of the magnetic field on a distant body with a resolved line spectrum. Magnetographs are useful for studying the Sun because the surface magnetic field is… … Wikipedia
vector resolution — vektoriaus skaidymas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. vector decomposition; vector resolution vok. Vektorzerlegung, f rus. расщепление вектора, n pranc. partition du vecteur en composantes, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
vector graphic — A digital image encoded as formulas that represent lines and curves. The alternative and older means of encoding images is bitmapping. Vector graphics use mathematical functions to create all shapes. File sizes are a lot smaller with vector… … Glossary of Art Terms
resolution — noun Etymology: Middle English resolucioun, from Anglo French or Latin; Anglo French resolucion, from Latin resolution , resolutio, from resolvere Date: 14th century 1. the act or process of resolving: as a. the act of analyzing a complex notion… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Vector path — In graphics design, a Vector path is a drawn or generated outline that represents a series of smooth straight (vector) lines instead of raster dots (or bitmap dots). Therefore, the paths are independent of resolution … Wikipedia
vector decomposition — vektoriaus skaidymas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. vector decomposition; vector resolution vok. Vektorzerlegung, f rus. расщепление вектора, n pranc. partition du vecteur en composantes, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Support vector machine — Machine à vecteurs de support Les machines à vecteurs de support ou séparateurs à vaste marge (en anglais Support Vector Machine, SVM) sont un ensemble de techniques d apprentissage supervisé destinées à résoudre des problèmes de… … Wikipédia en Français
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe - Resolution 1549 (2007) Functioning of democratic institutions in Ukraine — The information below is a copy of the relevant report and resolution passed by The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europeon April 192007 concerning the Ukrainian Political Crisisand Decrees of The President, Viktor Yushchenko dismissing … Wikipedia