- resocialization
- resocialization приватизация
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Resocialization — is a sociological concept dealing with the process of mentally and emotionally re training a person so that he or she can operate in an environment other than that which he or she is accustomed to.Key examples include the process of resocializing … Wikipedia
resocialization — resocializacija statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Patirties perėmimas, naujų vertybių, įgūdžių išsiugdymas vietoje ankstesnių, netvirtai išugdytų arba pasenusių veiklos vyksme. Resocializacija svarbi užbaigus sportinę karjerą.… … Sporto terminų žodynas
resocialization — /ree soh sheuh leuh zay sheuhn/, n. the process of learning new attitudes and norms required for a new social role. [1960 65; RE + SOCIALIZE + ATION] * * * … Universalium
resocialization — re·so·cial·iza·tion also Brit re·so·cial·isa·tion .rē .sōsh (ə )lə zā shən n readjustment of an individual (as a mentally or physically disabled person) to life in society … Medical dictionary
resocialization — The relearning of cultural norms and sanctions, on their return to a social system, by those who voluntarily or involuntarily left that system (such as prisoners re entering society or expatriates returning from abroad) so that they can again be… … Dictionary of sociology
resocialization — re·socialization … English syllables
resocialization — re•so cial•i•za′tion n … From formal English to slang
resocialization — (|)rē+ noun Etymology: re + socialization : readjustment of an individual (as a psychotic, a physically handicapped person) to life in society : rehabilitation … Useful english dictionary
Socialization — The term socialization is used by sociologists, social psychologists and educationalists to refer to the process of learning one’s culture and how to live within it. For the individual it provides the skills and habits necessary for acting and… … Wikipedia
Military education and training — Warfare Military history Eras Prehistoric Ancient Medieval Gunpowder Industrial … Wikipedia
Jail — Jail, or gaol (especially in Canada, Australia and NZ [http://www.corrections.govt.nz/policy and legislation/policy and procedures manual/section d/d05/d05.html] ), [In British official use theforms with G are still current; in literary and… … Wikipedia