resign oneself to another's control

resign oneself to another's control
подчиниться чьей-л. власти

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "resign oneself to another's control" в других словарях:

  • resign — /rəˈzaɪn / (say ruh zuyn) verb (i) 1. (sometimes followed by from) to give up an office or position. 2. to submit; yield. –verb (t) 3. to give up (an office, position, etc.) formally. 4. to relinquish, as a right or claim. 5. to submit (oneself,… …  

  • resign — /ri zuyn /, v.i. 1. to give up an office or position, often formally (often fol. by from): to resign from the presidency. 2. to submit; yield: to resign before the inevitable. v.t. 3. to give up (an office, position, etc.), often formally. 4. to… …   Universalium

  • Existence (Philosophy of) 2 — Philosophy of existence 2 Sartre Thomas R.Flynn Born 21 June 1905, in Thiviers (Dordogne), Jean Paul Sartre was raised in the Parisian home of his widowed mother’s parents. After his mother’s remarriage, he spent several years with her and his… …   History of philosophy

  • United States trust law — Introduction Most law regulating the creation and administration of trusts in the United States is now statutory at the state level. In August 2004, the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws created the first attempt to… …   Wikipedia

  • Races of the Mass Effect universe — This article is about the fictional races found within the Mass Effect universe. These races are explored in the novels Mass Effect: Revelation and Mass Effect: Ascension, and the video games Mass Effect, Mass Effect Galaxy, and Mass Effect 2.… …   Wikipedia

  • give up — verb 1. lose ( or lose the right to ( by some error, offense, or crime (Freq. 9) you ve forfeited your right to name your successor forfeited property • Syn: ↑forfeit, ↑throw overboard, ↑waiv …   Useful english dictionary

  • surrender — [sə ren′dər] vt. [ME surrendren < MFr surrendre < sur , up (see SUR 1) + rendre, to RENDER] 1. to give up possession of or power over; yield to another on demand or compulsion 2. to give up claim to; give over or yield, esp. voluntarily, as …   English World dictionary

  • Silvia Monfort — (born Silvia Favre Bertin; 6 June 1923, Paris ndash;30 March 1991, Paris) was a French actress and theatre director. Daughter of the sculptor Charles Favre Bertin and wife of Pierre Gruneberg, this talented actress was an undying champion of the… …   Wikipedia

  • United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… …   Universalium

  • UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, country in N. America. This article is arranged according to the following outline: introduction Colonial Era, 1654–1776 Early National Period, 1776–1820 German Jewish Period, 1820–1880 East European Jewish Period,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Conscience — Not to be confused with consciousness. For other uses, see Conscience (disambiguation). Vincent van Gogh, 1890. Kröller Müller Museum. The Good Samaritan (after Delacroix). Conscience is an aptitude, faculty, intuition or judgment of the …   Wikipedia

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