- residuary legacy
- завещательный отказ движимости, оставшейся после выплаты долгов
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
residuary legacy — ➔ legacy * * * residuary legacy UK US noun [C] LAW, FINANCE ► after a person’s death, the money or property that is left after particular property and amounts of money have been given to named people: »After the family had received what they had… … Financial and business terms
residuary legacy — see legacy Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
residuary legacy — See residuary clause; residuary gift … Ballentine's law dictionary
residuary legacy — noun : a legacy that includes all of a testator s estate not specifically distributed in other legacies or in charges against the estate … Useful english dictionary
legacy — leg·a·cy / le gə sē/ n pl cies [Medieval Latin legatio, from Latin legare to bequeath]: a gift of property by will; specif: a gift of personal property by will: bequest see also ademption compare devise conjoint leg … Law dictionary
residuary — re·sid·u·ary 1 /ri zi jə ˌwer ē/ adj: of, relating to, consisting of, or constituting a residue residuary 2 n pl ar·ies 1: residue 2 … Law dictionary
residuary bequest — In a will, the gift of whatever is left over after all specific and general gifts are given. For example, John gives his house and his stocks to his wife, and leaves everything else to his daughter the gift of everything else is the residuary… … Law dictionary
legacy — ▪ I. legacy leg‧a‧cy 1 [ˈlegəsi] noun legacies PLURALFORM [countable] 1. a situation that exists as a result of things that happened at an earlier time: • Hotels are in oversupply, a legacy of the last building boom. 2 … Financial and business terms
legacy — A disposition of personalty by will. A bequest. In a technical sense and strictly construed, legacy is a gift or bequest by will of personal property, whereas a devise is a testamentary disposition of real estate, but such distinction will not be … Black's law dictionary
legacy — A disposition of personalty by will. A bequest. In a technical sense and strictly construed, legacy is a gift or bequest by will of personal property, whereas a devise is a testamentary disposition of real estate, but such distinction will not be … Black's law dictionary
residuary legatee — One favored by a residuary legacy … Ballentine's law dictionary