residuary bequest
Смотреть что такое "residuary bequest" в других словарях:
residuary bequest — In a will, the gift of whatever is left over after all specific and general gifts are given. For example, John gives his house and his stocks to his wife, and leaves everything else to his daughter the gift of everything else is the residuary… … Law dictionary
residuary bequest — A bequest of all of testator s estate not otherwise effectually disposed of + residuary bequest A gift of all the remainder of the testator s personal estate, after payment of debts and legacies, etc … Black's law dictionary
residuary bequest — Same as residuary gift … Ballentine's law dictionary
residuary — re·sid·u·ary 1 /ri zi jə ˌwer ē/ adj: of, relating to, consisting of, or constituting a residue residuary 2 n pl ar·ies 1: residue 2 … Law dictionary
bequest — be·quest /bi kwest/ n: an act of bequeathing; also: something bequeathed: legacy de·mon·stra·tive bequest /di män strə tiv /: a bequest of a particular amount of money or property to be distributed first from one source in the estate and then… … Law dictionary
Residuary estate — A residuary estate, in the law of wills, is any portion of the testator s estate that is not specifically devised to someone in the will, or any property that is part of such a specific devise that fails. It is also known as a residual estate or… … Wikipedia
bequest — /bakwest/ A gift (transfer) by will of personal property; a legacy. Disposition of realty in will is termed devise. See also charitable bequest demonstrative bequest devise general bequest legacy … Black's law dictionary
bequest — /bakwest/ A gift (transfer) by will of personal property; a legacy. Disposition of realty in will is termed devise. See also charitable bequest demonstrative bequest devise general bequest legacy … Black's law dictionary
residuary — adj. 1 of the residue of an estate (residuary bequest). 2 of or being a residuum; residual; still remaining … Useful english dictionary
bequest, residuary — n. A bequest of all items remaining in an estate after specified legacies and debts are paid. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 … Law dictionary
residuary clause — A clause in a will which purports to dispose of that part of the estate which is left after other legacies and devises have been paid and all legal claims against the estate discharged. 57 Am J1st Wills § 1415. The term seems to contemplate the… … Ballentine's law dictionary