- resection
- ri:ˈsekʃən сущ.
1) хир. резекция
2) топогр. обратная засечка (медицина) резекция, вырезывание, удаление (топография) обратная засечка resection топ. обратная засечка ~ хир. резекция
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
résection — [ resɛksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1799; « action de couper » 1549; lat. resectio « taille de la vigne » ♦ Chir. Opération chirurgicale qui consiste à couper, à retrancher. ⇒ ablation, amputation, décapsulation , excision, exérèse. Résection articulaire.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Resection — can mean:*Resection, in surgery, the partial removal of an organ or other bodily structure. *Resection (orientation), a means of establishing a location … Wikipedia
Resection — Résection Une résection est un retrait chirurgical d une partie d organe ou d un tissu pathologique comme une tumeur; on peut la résumer à une ablation. Voir aussi Ablation Portail de la médecine … Wikipédia en Français
Resection — Re*sec tion (r? s?k sh?n), n. [L. resectio: cf. F. r[ e]section.] 1. The act of cutting or paring off. Cotgrave. [1913 Webster] 2. (Surg.) The removal of the articular extremity of a bone, or of the ends of the bones in a false articulation.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Resection — (v. lat.), 1) das Wegschneiden, bes. 2) das Absägen od. Abzwicken von Gelenken der Knochen, Knochensplittern u. dgl … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Resection [1] — Resection, lat. dtsch., Erholung, Erquickung; Refectorium, in den Klöstern der Speisesaal (Reventer, Remter) … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Resection [2] — Resection, lat. deutsch, das Wegschneiden; in der Chirurgie: Absägen od. Abzwicken der Knochenenden, Splitter etc … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
resection — 1610s, from L. resectionem, noun of action from resecare (see RESECT (Cf. resect)).Surgical sense is from 1775 … Etymology dictionary
resection — [ri sek′shən] n. [L resectio < resectus: see RESECT] 1. Surgery the removal of part of an organ, bone, etc. 2. Surveying a method of determining the location of a point by taking observations from it to points of known location … English World dictionary
resection — 1. A procedure performed for the specific purpose of removal, as in removal of articular ends of one or both bones forming a joint. 2. To remove a part. 3. SYN: excision (1). abdominoperineal r. (APR) a surgical cancer … Medical dictionary
resection — n. surgical removal of a portion of any part of the body. For example, a section of diseased intestine may be removed and the healthy ends sewn together. A submucous resection is removal of part of the cartilage septum (central division) of the… … The new mediacal dictionary