rescue operations

rescue operations

1. горноспасательные работы
2. возд. спасательные операции

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rescue operations" в других словарях:

  • rescue operations — gelbėjimo darbai statusas Aprobuotas sritis civilinė sauga apibrėžtis Veiksmai, kuriais įvykių, ekstremaliųjų įvykių ar ekstremaliųjų situacijų metu siekiama išgelbėti gyventojų gyvybes, sveikatą ir turtą, suteikti jiems pirmąją medicinos pagalbą …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • commander of rescue operations — gelbėjimo darbų vadovas statusas Aprobuotas sritis civilinė sauga apibrėžtis Civilinės saugos sistemos pajėgų valstybės tarnautojas ar darbuotojas, iki operacijų vadovo paskyrimo ekstremaliosios situacijos židinyje vadovaujantis gelbėjimo,… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • Rescue — refers to operations that usually involve the saving of life, or prevention of injury. Tools used might include search dogs, search and rescue horses, helicopters, and the Jaws of Life and other hydraulic cutting and spreading tools used to… …   Wikipedia

  • Operations Specialist (US Navy) — Operations Specialist Rating insignia Issued by: United States Navy United States Coast Guard Type Enlisted rating Abbreviation …   Wikipedia

  • Rescue swimmer — Though the term rescue swimmer may be applied to any number of water rescue professionals, the term is most often applied to personnel in the Coast Guards, fire and rescue services and military branches. Many Coast Guards train helicopter rescue… …   Wikipedia

  • Rescue squad — A rescue squad is an organization that provides emergency medical care to both trauma and medical patients at either the basic life support or advanced life support levels. The staff of such agencies can possess any number of certifications… …   Wikipedia

  • Rescue of the Danish Jews — The rescue of the Danish Jews occurred during Nazi Germany s occupation of Denmark during World War II. When Hitler ordered that Danish Jews be arrested and deported on 1–2 October 1943, many Danes took part in a collective effort to evacuate the …   Wikipedia

  • rescue coordination center — A primary search and rescue facility suitably staffed by supervisory personnel and equipped for coordinating and controlling search and rescue and/or combat search and rescue operations. The facility is operated unilaterally by personnel of a… …   Military dictionary

  • Rescue coordination centre — A rescue coordination centre or RCC is a primary search and rescue facility in a country that is staffed by supervisory personnel and equipped for coordinating and controlling search and rescue operations. RCC s are responsible for a geographic… …   Wikipedia

  • rescue dog — noun a) A homeless, lost or abandoned dog which has been, or will be, re homed by an animal rescue centre or charity. b) A dog utilised in search and rescue operations; a search and rescue dog. Syn: shelter dog …   Wiktionary

  • rescue coordination center — A unit responsible for promoting efficient organization of search and rescue and for coordinating the conduct of search and rescue operations within a search and rescue region (ICAO) …   Aviation dictionary

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