rescue apparatus
Смотреть что такое "rescue apparatus" в других словарях:
Rescue and recovery effort after the September 11 attacks — The area surrounding the World Trade Center became the site of the greatest number of casualties and missing, due to a single incident, in the history of the United States. This region became known in the ensuing days as ground zero .Building… … Wikipedia
Israel Fire and Rescue Services — The Israel Fire and Rescue Services ( he. שירותי כבאות והצלה, Sherutei Kaba ut VeHatzala ) is the Israeli state organization for fire fighting and rescuing. The organisation also provides rescue services from terror attacks, car accident and… … Wikipedia
Quint (fire apparatus) — A quint, or quintuple combination pumper, is a fire service apparatus that serves the dual purpose of an engine and a ladder truck. The name quint is derived from the Latin prefix quinque , meaning five, and refers to the five functions that a… … Wikipedia
Fire apparatus — A fire apparatus, fire engine, fire truck, or fire appliance is a vehicle designed to assist in fighting fires, by transporting firefighters to the scene, and providing them with access, water or other equipment. In some areas, the terms fire… … Wikipedia
Fort Lauderdale Fire-Rescue — InfoboxFireDepartment name = City of Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue Department motto = Saving Life and Property established = 1912 staffing = Career strength = 454 stations = 11 engines = 12 trucks = 3 EMSunits = 13 per shift = 80… … Wikipedia
Self-contained breathing apparatus — SCBA redirects here. For other uses, see SCBA (disambiguation). Not to be confused with the very similar Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. Toronto firefighter wearing an SCBA A self contained breathing apparatus, or SCBA, sometimes… … Wikipedia
Essex County Fire and Rescue Service — (ECFRS) is the statutory FRS (fire and rescue service) for the county of Essex in the southeast of England, and is one of the largest FRSs in the country, with a patch covering almost 400,000 hectares and a population of over 1½ million people.In … Wikipedia
Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service — (CFRS) Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS) area Coverage Area Cornwall Siz … Wikipedia
West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service — Infobox UK Fire and Rescue name= West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service area= West Sussex start= population= 762,000 size= 383 / km² officers= 1,000+ title= Chief Officer head= divname= divno= stations= 28 HQ= Chichester web= The West Sussex Fire… … Wikipedia
Heavy rescue vehicle — A heavy rescue vehicle, often referred to as a rescue company, rescue squad, heavy rescue, or simply, fire engine is a type of specialty firefighting or EMS (Emergency Medical Services) apparatus. Essentially oversized toolboxes on wheels, they… … Wikipedia
Seagrave Fire Apparatus — Rechtsform Limited Liability Company Gründung 1881 Sitz Clintonville, Wisconsin, Vereinigte Staaten Website … Deutsch Wikipedia