Смотреть что такое "reradiate" в других словарях:
reradiate — [spelling only] … English World dictionary
Reradiate — *For other meanings of the term, see Reradiation.An object that absorbs some amount of radiative energy, and then later emits that energy in the form of radiative energy is referred to as reradiating the absorbed energy.The term is most often… … Wikipedia
reradiate — (ˈ)rē+ transitive verb Etymology: re + radiate : to radiate again or anew * * * v., reradiated, reradiating. * * * reradiate /rē rāˈdi āt/ transitive verb To radiate again, esp as a result of having absorbed an amount of radiation previously… … Useful english dictionary
reradiate — transitive verb Date: 1913 to radiate again or anew; especially to emit (energy) in the form of radiation after absorbing incident radiation • reradiation noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
reradiate — v., reradiated, reradiating. * * * … Universalium
reradiate — verb To absorb some amount of radiative energy, and then later emit that energy in the form of radiative energy. The term is most often used in discussion of absorption of light or infrared radiation … Wiktionary
reradiate — re·ra·di·ate ( )rē rād ē .āt vt, at·ed; at·ing to radiate again or anew esp to emit (energy) in the form of radiation after absorbing incident radiation re·ra·di·a·tion (.)rē .rād ē ā shən n … Medical dictionary
reradiate — v. radiate again … English contemporary dictionary
reradiate — re·radiate … English syllables
reradiate — re•ra′di•ate v. at•ed, at•ing … From formal English to slang
Olbers' paradox — in action In astrophysics and physical cosmology, Olbers paradox is the argument that the darkness of the night sky conflicts with the assumption of an infinite and eternal static universe. It is one of the pieces of evidence for a non static… … Wikipedia