required for
Смотреть что такое "required for" в других словарях:
required lenders — USA required lenders, Also known as majority lender. Typically defined in a loan agreement to mean, as of any date, the lenders holding greater than 50% of the sum of unused commitments and outstanding loans under the loan agreement. Required… … Law dictionary
required lender — USA required lenders, Also known as majority lender. Typically defined in a loan agreement to mean, as of any date, the lenders holding greater than 50% of the sum of unused commitments and outstanding loans under the loan agreement. Required… … Law dictionary
For Nursing, New Responsibilities, New Respect — ▪ 1997 by Margretta Madden Styles In remote villages around the world whether in southern Africa, Latin America, or southwestern Asia the community s mobilizer for health, sanitation, and housing services may well be a nurse. In the rural… … Universalium
for good measure — adding enough or a bit more than required For good measure, we added a bottle of wine to the punch … English idioms
required — UK US /rɪˈkwaɪəd/ adjective [before noun] ► necessary according to the rules or for a particular purpose: »We hope to be able to raise the required sum of money. »The company failed to maintain its required minimum net capital. »the required… … Financial and business terms
for|mal|i|ty — «fr MAL uh tee», noun, plural ties. 1. a procedure required by custom or rule; outward form; ceremony: »At a wedding there are many formalities. SYNONYM(S): ritual. 2. something done for the sake of form; something required by etiquette or custom … Useful english dictionary
required reading — required reading, a book or books that all students of a class or school must read: »The usual sort of stuff which…was “required reading” for any moderate education (J.W. Wainwright) … Useful english dictionary
For You, For Me Tour — Tour by Kylie Minogue Start date September 30, 2009 End date … Wikipedia
required — / requisite [adj] necessary appropriate, called for, compulsatory, compulsory, condign, demanded, deserved, due, enforced, essential, imperative, imperious, indispensable, just, mandatory, needed, needful, obligatory, prerequisite, prescribed,… … New thesaurus
for good measure — ► for good measure as an amount or item beyond that which is strictly required. Main Entry: ↑measure … English terms dictionary
Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science — For other uses, see MSM. Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science Established 1987 Type Residential public high school Executive Director Charles Brown … Wikipedia