

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "repulsions" в других словарях:

  • repulsions — re pul·sion || rɪ pÊŒlʃn n. act of repelling, act of driving away; repugnance, disgust; force that causes two bodies to move away from one another (Physics) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • répulsion — [ repylsjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1746; « action de repousser l ennemi » 1450; lat. tardif repulsio, de repellere « repousser » 1 ♦ Phys. Phénomène par lequel deux corps se repoussent mutuellement. Répulsion électrique. Répulsion de l aimant. 2 ♦ (1782) Cour …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Hyperconjugation — In organic chemistry, hyperconjugation is the interaction of the electrons in a sigma bond (usually C–H or C–C) with an adjacent empty (or partially filled) non bonding p orbital or antibonding π orbital or filled π orbital, to give an extended… …   Wikipedia

  • chemical bonding — ▪ chemistry Introduction       any of the interactions that account for the association of atoms into molecules, ions, crystals, and other stable species that make up the familiar substances of the everyday world. When atoms approach one another …   Universalium

  • Newton, Sir Isaac — born Jan. 4, 1643, Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, Eng. died March 31, 1727, London English physicist and mathematician. The son of a yeoman, he was raised by his grandmother. He was educated at Cambridge University (1661–65), where he discovered the… …   Universalium

  • attraction — [ atraksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1638; atration 1265; lat. attractio, de attrahere « tirer à soi » I ♦ Action d attirer; force qui attire. 1 ♦ (1688) Sc. Force qui attire les corps matériels entre eux. ⇒ gravitation. Loi de l attraction universelle (loi de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • VSEPR theory — Valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory is a model in chemistry used to predict the shape of individual molecules based upon the extent of electron pair electrostatic repulsion.[1] It is also named Gillespie–Nyholm theory after its… …   Wikipedia

  • Post-Hartree-Fock — In computational chemistry, Post Hartree Fock methods are the set of methods developed to improve on the Hartree Fock (HF), or self consistent field (SCF) method. They add electron correlation which is a more accurate way of including the… …   Wikipedia

  • Everett Stonequist — Everett V. Stonequist (October 5, 1901 March 26, 1979) was an American Sociologist perhaps best known for his 1937 book, The Marginal Man The marginal person is poised in the psychological uncertainty between two (or more) social worlds;… …   Wikipedia

  • Molecular Hamiltonian — In atomic, molecular, and optical physics as well as in quantum chemistry, molecular Hamiltonian is the name given to the Hamiltonian representing the energy of the electrons and nuclei in a molecule. This Hermitian operator and the associated… …   Wikipedia

  • LCP theory — In chemistry, ligand close packing theory (LCP theory), sometimes called the ligand close packing model describes how ligand – ligand repulsions affect the geometry around a central atom Teaching the VSEPR model and electron densities R. J.… …   Wikipedia

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