

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "republicans" в других словарях:

  • Republicans — Republikanische Partei (Vereinigte Staaten) Parteivorsitzender Michael S. Steele …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Republicans for Choice — Republicans for Choice, an organization based in the Washington, D.C. area (Headquarters:205 South Whiting Street, Suite 260, Alexandria, VA 22304) is a political action committee (PAC) composed of members of the United States Republican Party… …   Wikipedia

  • Republicans for Choice — Republicans for Choice, en français Républicains pour le choix, est une organisation située à Washington, D.C. constituant un comité d action politique composé de membres du Parti républicain qui supportent la légalisation de l avortement.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Republicans Abroad — is an organisation for members of the Republican Party who are living outside of the United States. Unlike Democrats Abroad, Republicans Abroad is not considered a state committee by the Republican National Committee. As a consequence,… …   Wikipedia

  • Republicans for Environmental Protection — (REP) is a national organization of United States Republican Party voters formed in 1995. REP’s stated purpose is to strengthen the Republican Party’s stance on environmental issues and support efforts to conserve natural resources and protect… …   Wikipedia

  • Republicans, Liberals, Reformers — ( Repubblicani, Liberali, Riformatori ) was a federation of parties in Italy.It was formed on March 18, 2007 by the Italian Republican Party (PRI) and the Italian Liberal Party (PLI), both tiny liberal parties in the centre right House of… …   Wikipedia

  • Republicans for Kerry — was a non profit, volunteer run group of registered Republicans and independent voters. Nicknamed R4K , these self proclaimed Kerry Republicans supported the 2004 Democratic candidate for president, John Kerry, and encountered some controversy… …   Wikipedia

  • Republicans for Obama — is a political organization of members of the Republican Party engaged in advocating for and supporting Barack Obama s campaign for the presidency of the United States.External links* …   Wikipedia

  • Republicans of Miroslav Sládek — The Republicans of Miroslav Sládek (Czech: Republikáni Miroslava Sládka), abbreviated to Republikáni or RMS, is a tiny political party in the Czech Republic. The party was founded by Miroslav Sládek as a successor of Coalition for Republic… …   Wikipedia

  • Republicans, The — ▪ political party, Germany also called  Republican Party,  German  Die Republikaner        German ultranationalist political party, founded in West Germany in 1983. Although they reject the label, many observers regard the party as neo fascist.… …   Universalium

  • Republicans for Environmental Protection — Républicains pour la Protection de l Environnement Républicains pour la Protection Environnementale ( Republicans for Environmental Protection, ou REP, en anglais) est une organisation nationale rassemblant des militants du Parti Républicain,… …   Wikipédia en Français

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